6 pax made the right choice by choosing a bootcamp workout this morning #MakeBootcampsGreatAgain. Auto, Rocket, and Professor ran a Standard. YHC had planned very little and came up with a basic plan this morning before heading out to the AO. We moseyed around the parking lot a bit and got into it.
- SSH x 20 IC
- Burpees x 5 OYO
- IST x 15 IC
- Burpees x 4 OYO
- Windmill x 10 IC
- Burpees x 3 OYO
- Carrot Puller x 10 IC
- Burpees x 2 OYO
- TS x 10 IC
- THE Burpee
The Thang
We went to the trusty block pile and each secured a coupon.
- Curls x 15 IC
- Climbing Merkin (1 regular merkin, hands up on block, 1 incline merkin, hand down on ground) x 10 IC
- Bonnie Blair x 20 OYO
- Skull Crusher x 15 IC
- Block Squat x 15 IC
Run a lap carrying the block
- Low Flutter x 25 IC
- Low Dolly x 10 IC
- Bent Over Row x 15 IC
- Alternating Squats x 20 OYO
- Staggered Merkins x 10 IC (each side)
- Upright Row x 15 IC
- Squat to Press x 15 IC
Run a lap carrying the block
- Crunchy Frog x 20 IC
- Reverse Cruch (Gas-Pump) x 20 IC
- Curls x 15 IC
- Skull Crusher x 15 IC
- Alternating Lunges with block x 30 OYO
- Climbing Merkins x 10 IC
Put up blocks. Run to the bridge for bear crawl bridge. Mosey back to Launch.
- LBC x 20 IC
- Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC (each side)
- Homer-to-Marge
Recover. Recover.
- Auto was upset we didn't do any pull-ups. Truthfully, YHC wasnt sure his runner's arms could handle it. Maybe next time!
- Good to see Hot Wax out there. Always good to see new guys coming out and really getting into
this cultF3. - Click the link for Shield Lock Challenge: https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/shield-lock-challenge. We have 3 teams signed up, but we need more.
Thanks Auto for opportunity to lead. Until next time -CB.