This election made me think of Suicides

Event Date

Nov 09, 2016



SSH with suicides (5, 10, 15, 20)

Grab a Cindy


3 thrusters

3 blast off merkins

3 homer to Marge with push legs to sky

3 burpees

With Suicides after each round increasing distance

Ladder by 3 reps each exercise each round up to 15

Put the blocks down


Run a lap around the school

Stop at the gates

10 Australian Pull ups

10 Dips in Cadence

10 Australian Pull ups

Continue running back to Blocks

LOW and SLOW 10 second Merkins (10 seconds up and 10 seconds down position) for 2 minutes

Partner up

Partner one does a modified SSH with Cinder Block in hand Partner 2 does a lap around the track (cinder block gets pushed up while doing the SSH)


Flap jack rounds

Same thing with V-Ups with Cinder block


  • 5 curls IC run to first goal and back
  • 8 culrs IC run to second goal and back
  • 10 curls IC run to 3rd goal and back
  • 5 Chest presses with block while standing up, run to 1st goal and back
  • 7 Chest presses with block run to 2nd goal and back
  • 9 Chest presses with block then run over to tables behind schools

Over to the benches for Rocky Balboas with Merkins

Rocky balboas to 9/12/15 and then burpees after each balboa set, do burpees, 5/7/9 and then ladder back down

Return the cindy blocks

Recover Recover

  • Good workout by the PAX, all pushed real hard and sure a lot fighting not much sleep!
  • Prayers for Caboose and his family as his son goes in for surgery tomorrow – please raise the family up in thoughts and prayers
  • Thanks Ditka for the Q keys today, enjoyed the beatdown!