28 of F3 LKN finest rallied and supported YHC in his VQ stumble, mumble, and attempt to yell louder than the chatter and Camp Gladiators. Q came in hot and aggressive in hopes to disguise the fear of counting in cadence…spent first 10 minutes of the morning eyes closed…1-2-3…1-2-3…1-2-3 but the Pax was gracious and one or two shied at the intensity. 

YHC subscribes to the "Titanic Theory" of – if you know you're going down, you better look good doing it. 

Warm Up

> Mosey around Discovery Place and then quadrephelia to the top (avoiding Camp Gladiator protein table – although I think Qbert took a taste…)

> Convene at the top for quick delegation of disclaimer to Jimmy O – Pax did not like Qs delegation style of leadership to which YHC reminded them that empowering others is big step in leadership…

> SSH, ISH, Windmill – Q went quick…could've been excitement…or age….He's Young! 

> Burpees x5 then mosey to the bottom

The Thang (if it can be called that…)

> Partner wheelbarrow ramp 1, flapjack for ramp 2, mosey back to bottom

> 3 count merkin bear crawl halfway up ramp, flip and crawl bear remainder of ramp, mosey back to bottom

>  Mary Relay Race – Line up at bottom of deck, Q calls out various mary exercises in cadence, 1 Pax runs up ramp one and back, next guy goes…had to call audible due to size of Pax and thanks to Scrappy for veteran leadership for sending 4 Pax running at a time. Got the core engaged….most important – the Pax were thankful 

> Mosey to the top for 4by4's x 5. Burpee mixed with 4 merkins equals 1, mosey back to bottom

> Peoples chair Relay – find a spot on the wall, front 4 guys run top of ramp 2 and back, others air press x10, touch dem heels x10, repeato until all Pax ran.

> Lunge walk halfway up ramp 1, lunge backwards remainder, bunny hop halfway up ramp 2, frog jump remainder, mosey back to bottom

> Peoples chair relay repeato until had to go into Al Gore….and recover recover


– YHC is Young and the Pax dislike him for it (29 btw)

– Couldn't hear much of the mumble chatter – tried to tune it out so I could count and think of next exercise…

– Grateful for the support of @Roadie, @Bunyan and Mighty Oak to converge and everyone that showed. Been too long for YHC not to have taken the Q and thankful for @Jimmy Olsen and @Scrappy for pushing and encouraging me to do it. Left the morning hoping everyone got something out of it and thankful to be a part of such a good group of men committed to serving each other and the community. 


