This Is Gonna Start to Suck

Event Date

Feb 25, 2021

YHC found out his regularly scheduled Q wasn't going to make it last night and had to step up to fill in. Many ideas were percolating in my head, but the decision was made to do something simple and uncreative. *shrug*


6 men arrived (5 with KBs in hand) and Popcorn had to grab a block. We walked to the nice soft pavement behind GCC, a disclaimer was given, and then we began.



  • SSH x 15 IC
  • High knees x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC


The Thang

Tabata timer set for 40 seconds on with 20 seconds rest. There would be 4 rounds of each exercise and 5 sets of exercises. They were as follows:

  • KB Swings
  • Merkins
  • Curls
  • Lunges
  • Low Flutter w/ static hold

Run a recovery lap

  • OH Press
  • Squats
  • WWII Sit ups

With only a little time left, YHC delivered both good news and bad news to the pax. The good news was that the next set would only be 2 rounds. The bad news is that it would be…


Mosey on back to the front of GCC for a recover. recover.


  • Strong work by all today. HSB is out there killing it. Take a break dude, you've already posted 3 times in 2 days!
  • Tabata is very simple. Very uncreative. But also very effective. I'm hoping we all wake up sore tomorrow.
  • Enron got worried about spilling merlot but held steady. Don't worry man, wait until the humidity increases and you'll get there!
  • Good to have Dino back out after his 3 year sabbatical from F3. Hope to see him at DS as a regular.

Thanks again to all those who came out today. Today sucked, but it sucks a little less doing it with your brothers. Until next time – CB