This is not the greatest backblast in the world, this is just a tribute.

Event Date

Jan 16, 2019

About four hours before launch Freedom reaches out… he's pretty sick, asks if anyone can substitue Q.  I wanted to help a brother, but realized I was drowning at work and had no time to be creative.  Thus begins the first Wing-It-Wednesday of 2019 at Night Ranger!  We ran some, did some mericans', pretty sure there were complaints about the squats and dead-arm-hangs… I felt like a counted a lot too.  Does anyone else do that, Q a workout and feel like they just counted for 45 minutes straight?  I mean, I'm getting REALLY good with numbers 1 through 25.  I can even do them backwards if I'm feeling frisky.  Sometimes I go fast, sometimes slow… but I digress.  Solid work tonight gents.

  • Cardigan, we expect to see you next Wedneday, and all future Wednesdays, until we say otherwise.
  • Strutter, keep… strutting?  Yeah.
  • Papa Smurf & Beast, you are missed.  Hope you're still alive out there.
  • Freedom, get well soon!
  • NiteStick, we did NOT miss your ropes and medicine balls.  Your music WAS missed.

In a related note… dear foodtruck next to Main Street Tavern: please reopen soon.