This is officially the unofficial Mustang 10 year anniversary

Event Date

Apr 06, 2024

With many DR this week due to Spring Break ‘24 and 100 mile Ultra activities we decided to postpone the 10Y celebration. But that didn’t stop these 6 from posting. Everyone in attendance other than YHC wasn’t here for day 1. But most have been here since just a few months later. 100’s of men are now better across this great land and they have this AO, F3, Cheetahs local starfish abilities, their other F3 brothers for pushing them along, and more importantly God to thank for this opportunity. Here’s what we did on this day.

Toy Soldiers
Monkey Humpers 

mosey a lap, grab a block and head to the parkinglot

The Thing
Partner up. A runs out and back, about 150 yards round trip while B does a move. Flapjack.
Overhead Press
Skull Crusher
Lunge unit circle (0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225)
Speed Skaters
maybe I missed a few exercises but you get the idea.

next was the 9 minute challenge. Q sets an EMOTM timer.
Beginning with t=0 and EMITM do 3 burpees, then with the rest of the 9 minutes do 100 chest to ground merkins and 100 big boy sit ups.

We pay homage next to Dandelion and his Sad Clown workout with a Quadraphilia trip up the hill and 20 WWIs at the top.

Mosey the blocks back and time for Mary

Mary go round
Dr. W
Pretzel Crunch R and L
Jane Fondas
Horizontal Box Cutters
Freddie Mercury 

More on putting on the armor of God. Do this whenever you enter any “battlefield” where you know there will be opportunities for sin.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬
