This is the one you tell your friends about at work…

Event Date

Feb 13, 2017

This special Q was touted as the one you would tell your buddies about at work, and there reaction would be…"you did WHAT!".  So, 8 PAX decided to polish their armor and show for the epic beat down.  Two PAX (YHC and Frogger) met for the extended standard of 3.0 miles to warm up the muscles and get some 2nd F in before the huffing and puffing began.  In summary, there was very little mumblechatter and complaining, and a lot of high heart rates and deep breaths – just the way YHC likes it – here is what caused the exhaustion


Lap around the parking lot (.21 miles), circle up for standard F3 warm-up

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 10 IC

Seal Claps x 10 IC (YHC Favorite)

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC


Heeding the advice of previous Q's, I kept it simple but effective.  Round 1 of the work out consisted of 5 laps around the parking lot (starting with the big lap) with each lap getting shorter by one parking lane – at the start and when you return to the start point execute 10 burpees OYO.  When complete, plank it out

Round 1 Totals

50 Burpees + .76 miles

Round 2 – repeato on the 5 laps, but substitute Burpees for Deep Squats x 25 each lap

Round 2 Totals

125 Deep Squats + .76 miles

Round 3 – for round three YHC decided that pain is best shared with a battle buddie, so pair up (size, speed didn't matter) for patty cake sit-up ladder (another YHC Favorite).  PAX execute 5, 10, 15, 20, 20, 15, 10, 5 patty cake sit-ups and in between each set, run in opposite direction and execute same number of Mericans

Round 3 Totals

100 Patty Cake Sit-ups

100 Mericans

.25 miles

At this point, the PAX seemed a little winded, so we transitioned into some MARY

Touch Them Heels x 10 IC

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

Homer to Marge x 2

Rosalita x 10 IC

Flutter Kicks x 15 IC

Elbow Plank x 30 seconds

Recover, Recover


585 Reps

1.77 miles (for workout PAX) + 3.0 miles for extended standard PAX = 4.77miles


  • Welcome Rocket from the east side – the AO's in this part of the region are the best hands down – see you again in the gloom
  • Ty Webb and Master Po killed it today – smoked us all on all rounds – I call that machine like
  • PAX had some interesting Merican form today to address the partner portion of the workout, could it be that some watched the 2016 Womens Cross-Fit Games yesterday on ESPN?
  • The numbers were low today as noted by Firestone – always seems to be the case when I Q, is there a message in there somewhere?  I guess the regulars went to one of the easier workout AO.  That's ok, will catch them sleeping next time
  • Thanks to Frogger for picking up the six, strong work out of everyone today – tell all your friends about it
  • Thanks Caboose for letting me lead today – it motivates me to see everyone working hard to get better – remember, I care about your fitness and I hope it showed

That is all…TBone is out!