This isn’t circuit training: We aren’t going down.

Event Date

Feb 04, 2020

Circuit training at The Blender


Quick mosey around parking lot.



SSH 20x IC

IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


The Thang


Mason Twists w/ kettlebell 12x IC

Goblet squat 12x IC

Plank Lawnmower rows 12x/Arm OYO

Merkins 12x IC

WW II sit ups w/ kettlebell 12x On Q count

Kettle bell swings 24 OYO

Curls 12x IC

Burpees 8x OYO

Single arm clean to press 12x/Arm OYO

Split squats 12x/Leg OYO

Stack the shelf 12x  OYO

The W w/ kettlebell 12x IC


Repeato 2x. Mosey across parking lot after each round. 3 rounds of circuit in total but last round the repetitions were cut in half.


Circle up for Mary.

Low flutter 12x IC

Dying cockroach 12x IC

LBCs 12x IC

Low dolly 12x IC

Recover Recover 




COT for prayer




The Blender needs Q’s.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q Flo,

Cousin Eddie