This Jungle is Mighty.

Couldn't add Olaf and Jospeh Cannon to the Pax list.  (This guy isnt tech-savvy.)  Please know you were counted.

13 of NoCo’s REAL men decided to spend their Saturday gloom at the Mighty Jungle.  Why?  Because these men are wise beyond their years.

This Thing Happened:

¼ mile Jog-o-rama while the Q confided in Metallica that he was figuring out a workout plan on the fly.    

Circle up in front of the School for:

SSH X 30

IST X 20

‘Merican X 20

Slooow Squat X 15

People’s Chair w/ air curl X 20

¼-turn jump squat @ 16

BTTW @ 10

Mosey to Stumptown Steps and partner up.

Wheelbarrow up the steps w/ 5 burpees at top, run down, Swap & repeat, counting down to 1. (5&5, 4&4, 3&3…)

Mosey to the bars and re-partner for:

Partner 1: 20 Hanging striaght-leg lifts, partner 2: 20 ‘Mericans (Swap and repeat)

Partner 1: 15 Hanging straight-leg lifts, partner 2: 15 squats (swap and repeat)

Partner 1: 10 Hanging straight-leg lifts, partner 2: 10 Burpees (swap and repeat)

Partner 1: 15 Hanging straight-leg lifts, partner 2: 15 squats (swap and repeat)

Partner 1: 20 Hanging striaght-leg lifts, partner 2: 20 ‘Mericans (Swap and repeat)

The dying cockroach X 25

Mosey to the Block house, grab a block and circle-up

The Zamperini X a while

The block curl X 15

The Blerkin (incline block merkin) X 15 (tough one)

¼-turn jump squat @ 16

The Zamperini again.  For a bit.

Carry the blocks to parking lot peninsula.  Re-partner.

Partner 1: 2-block carry to next peninisula and back, partner 2: LBCs for the duration

Swap and repeat

Partner 1: overhead single block carry to next peninsula and back, partner 2: Freddy Mercury for the duration

Swap and repeat.

Re-circle with blocks for: The Merkin time Bomb @ 7

WWII sit-up @ 25

Slooow Merkin @ 1 (45 second hold in “down” position)

Recover X 2

This Moleskin:

  1. Lots of talk about Mini-Me’s Roast on Friday night.  (Is there video)?  The chatter died pretty quickly.  Toxic mentioned his regret of the previous night’s beer-drinking.  Someday you’ll learn.  But, not yet.  
  2. Welcome to Joseph Cannon (Son of Goat) for his first real post.  When GG is in attendance there’s an unwritten rule that many ‘Mericans are a must. (Just remember that.)
  3. Olaf rolled in just in time to miss the “smack-you-in-the-face” warm-up.  Some say he was secretly watching from afar.  Timing is everything.
  4. Callahan, on the other hand, did not barely miss the beginning.  He was an extreme LIFO.  Thanks for showing, Bro.  Come anytime it suits you.  (As a “respect”, you can do what you want.)
  5. The men who suffer through, don’t abuse the Q, and and embrace the suck:  Panzer, Striker, The Dude.   
  6. Ultra-man.  YHC saw him running to the workout and thought “he must be running instead of posting” Uh, Nope:  He ran to it, did it, and ran back.  Yep, he’s got the right nickname.
  7. Have a great week, Men.  Thanks for posting.