This old engine makes it on time…

Event Date

Aug 23, 2021

…leaves Central Station ‘bout a quarter to nine.



15 grandma maters

15 ssh

15 windmills

15 toy soldiers


The Deal

Head to the open track. Gates wide open! We started things off with a “Casey Jones” lap. Apparently you have to be careful how you reference locomotives or an “engineer” might get offended. So since Mater and Bertha just came back from a Dead & Company show in Philly, it seemed to me appropriate to rename this time-honored run exercise and pay tribute to an American father of the US Railroad, good ol’ Casey Jones. Let’s just hope he doesn’t have a checkered past that’ll get him cancelled.


We paired-up for tag team exercises and laps.

100x step-ups while a partner runs a lap around the track. Tag to swap places.

Casey Jones a lap, then;

200x air squats while a partner runs a lap around the track. Tag to swap places.

Casey Jones a lap, then; 

300x LBCs while a partner runs a lap around the track. Tag to swap places.

Casey Jones a last lap.



15 LBCs IC

15 Flutter Kicks IC


15 Freddie Mercurys



Welcome back Bertha and Mater!

No Code Browns today, but a close call for Toto. Congrats on the big news!

It was tough deciding between utilizing the festival tents on the practice field or hopping on the wide open track. Cooler heads prevailed.

Kudos to Travolta rocking the full beard in this heat.

Export is getting STRONG! Man, can he run. He’s not the fastest YET, but he brings the heat down the backstretch. Pure grit. 

Two is one, Crabby. C’mon Man.

Not sure how he does it, but SWFL always seems to make even the hardest workout look easy.

Clark still manages to miss the round of 124 SSHs in warmups. No shock there.



John 16:33 – I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”



As always, an honor!
