This seems familiar

Event Date

Feb 05, 2022

Seven fine men braved the (barely) sub-freezing temperatures and blustery (mildly breezy) winds to find out if Sonar's planned workout would be better than what Clark threatened the previous night. It seemed reminiscent of last Saturday's beatdown and went something like this:


20 IC side straddle hops

10 IC cotton pickers

10 IC toy soldiers 

10 IC 'mericans 


  • Mosey to the block pile and grab yourself a block. Return to the launchpad
  • Mosey to to track through the small gate, drop your block (put it down nicely) near the track and head toward the bleachers 
  • Box jumps (or whatever you can muster) to the top
  • 10 calf raises
  • Down the bleachers to the start line 
  • 10 'mericans 
  • 100 meter sprint down the straight to the back 
  • WALK the turn 
  • 100 meter sprint to the front
  • WALK to your block and do 20 reps (10 IC) of the block exercise of your choice.
  • First person to complete the block reps enters the "burpee prison" and does burpees until the next person completes their reps and tags them out.
  • Once released from burpee prison 
  • REPEATO til the Q says we're done!
  • Return the block and mosey back to the launchpad for


-10 IC Dr Ws


Romans 5:3-5

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

– This week marks three years since YHC spent a Saturday night having a heart attack and getting a stent inserted.  I still consider myself extremely blessed and fortunate that I didn't have any significant heart damage and, as some others reminded me this morning, that was at least in part due to the work that we put it week in and week out to keep ourselves healthy (or at least healthier than we might otherwise be).  

I can't say for certain that my situation that night would have been much worse if it wasn't for F3.  But I can tell you, without a doubt, that my life would be.  


All three of these have been greatly improved in my life because of you and all three of them played a HUGE part in how my family and I were able to deal with a very scary situation.   

You men, and many like you that may not still join us every week, have had a huge impact on my life and I am forever grateful.


– This was a little closer to the Q's planned workout for last week but the burpee prison would have been much more unpleasant with so few attendees. Worked out much better today – although it certainly sucked for some of the rounds.

– C-sharp learned nothing from his all-out sprint last week and went and did it again (ok, maybe he was egged on by the Q).

– Some pax really pushed themselves hard – which is what a circuit is designed to allow – but some may have pushed a little too hard and paid a price. Hope everyone recovers well.