This stuff hurts

11 gentleman of a certain character got up and got to it in the freezing cold change of weather. Slight jolt to the Q. Q'ing is hard when you've got some age. It hurts.

WD Lear, WB Contra

The Thang:

5 burpees to start the festivities.

10 merkins IC

Hold plank, right hand, then left hand up.

15 Mountain climbers IC

Mosey to back lot throwing in some hi knees, a backwards run and plank, then mosey to corner of the lot and circle up.

5, no, 7 penalty burpees for disrespctful chatter to the Q



15(?) Cotton pickers IC

Mosey to the Christian Shack for some arm and leg work

Preachers chair with air presses

10 dips IC

10 merkins IC

10 incline merkins IC

10 decline merkins IC

Some calf presses sprinkled in.

Rinse and repeat X3.

Another round of preacher chairs.

Few more calf raises.

Mosey to cars and pick out a suitable rock.

Abbreviated 110's

Curls, curls and more curls with a lap around the church between sets.

Then overhead presses with a lap thrown in between sets.



– Not much chatter, a quiet bunch once I asserted my supreme authority with some burpees.

– Good to see some of the not to familiar faces out today.

– I was hurting, getting tougher to Q. Thanks to Cupcake for the assist.

– Lear, Plinko, thanks. Hummer, appreciate the coffeeteria discussion. Great to see your success.

– prayers for the men mentioned today.

Thank to the PAX for your support today, always enjoy being in the company of good men.

THE Senator