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Event Date

Dec 07, 2015

Warm up:
15 side straddle hops IC
10 cotton pickers IC
10 Merkins IC
Arm circles

The Thang
Parking lot mosey to front of the school
30 step ups
10 derkins
20 calf raises
15 dips
20 pistol squats

Parking Lot Mosey to tennis court benches

30 step ups
10 derkins
20 calf raises each leg
15 dips
20 pistol squats each

-Sprint to 1st line 3 squats sprint to 2nd line 3 squats sprint to 3rd line 3 squats mosey back.

-quadraphillia to 1st line 3 squats quadraphillia to 2nd line 3 squats quadraphillia to 3rd line 3 squats

-Lounge Walk to 1st line 3 squats lounge walk to 2nd line 3 squats lounge walk to 3rd line 3 squats mosey back.

-Butt kickers to 1st line 3 squats butt kickers to 2nd line 3 squats butt kickers to 3rd line 3 squats mosey back.

-High knees to 1st line 3 squats high knees to 2nd line 3 squats high knees to 3rd line 3 squats mosey back.

– sprint to the top of the parking lot

– repeat sprint

– repeat sprint

Parking lot mosey

15 LBCs I
15 Freddy Mercury’s
30 second mason jar twists on you own
15 low flutter kicks

Matthew 9: 35-38

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

I recently attended a missions conference at my church and these verses resonated with me. God calls us to be on mission for him and to witness to others. Try to be that worker/witness that God asked us to be this week. Thank you for letting me lead guys.


-Q fail as my phone died and had the reflection and the Mary in it. Stumbled though it though.
-Q questioned his own work out. Lounge walks with squats… That was stupid. What was I thinking.
– Glad to have Trump back with us. He has been working a lot lately. It just happens to be entertaining clients in remote tropical locations. I feel sorry for all the hours you are putting in Trump.
-Also glad to welcome Tundra back to F3. He is a local football coach and existing F-3 brother from SVU PAX. Welcome back and great job getting back into it.