Thorns and Snares

Event Date

Oct 29, 2016


6 appeared from the gloom, ready to challenge themselves…with some laughs along the way.

Warm Up
30x SSH (x = in cadence)
*** Dandelion makes a celebrity entrance in a manly Polaris vehicle, camo colors, net doors, tailgate, lights, pretty awesome.
10x alternativing lunge steps
10x windmills
*** while many of the pax are fondly(?) reminiscing about Thursday's Iron Cross, Atlantis shares about how his swimming group has increased the distance; he was doing 20x100m at 1:40 intervals….that's like doing 20x400m around the track…that is unfortunate timing, as we start warming up the shoulders for a shoulder heavy workout…doh!
10x merkins
10x side-to-side lunges
10x Carolina dry docks

*** LightBulb reminds us all about The Murph Monday

Head to the back:
2 rounds of The Murph: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
2 blocks needed
YHC announces we are headed to the Clubhouse, groups of 3 will share the block carrying, the other two running (1 forward, 1 backward), group stays together.
OMAHA!  I forget whose idea…we pile into the manly mobile and take a manly ride (no windshield, plenty of smiles and laughing).

Park the manly mobile at the clubhouse.  Gotta do something manly after that.
100 push ups + 100 LBC's each…split it up however you like.
I go with 40, 30, 20, 10.  I saw others seeming to do 5×20 or 4×25.  Chime in below if you did other.

Run clockwise around the trail.
*** be-you-tiful view of the lake and sun rising
stop at the rock pile.  half the pax grabs a rock in each hand.
Rock group does Hands Up Hallelujahs (harder than it seems), other group runs a lap, flip-flop
*** Atlantis leads us on the longer trail run.  Other group doesn't appreciate it as much as we did…heh-heh…unplanned…we standardized the rest of the way.
Rock group does side, fore/aft, other fore/aft rock raises with pause at top of each lift, other group runs, flip-flop
Rock group does SaveTheTata's sit ups(hold two handful sized rocks against your pecs while you do a situp), other group runs, flip-flop.

As I return, group seems pretty tired of running, instead of running back, we take the straight line approach and bear crawl back up to the manly mobile.
*** and this is where we heard about the idea of pushing back the Polaris…
*** after about 2.3 seconds of thought, another Omaha.  Put the blocks on the manly deck, put 'er in neutral, and push-push-push it back to the AO.
*** dang, it was a long half mile
*** not sure I needed the calf marathon with the SailView 5k this evening
*** good teamwork ensued, rotating around until the glorious downhill coast to the parking lot
*** that was fun  : )

Upon returning to the AO, we returned the blocks to the back.  2 more rounds of The Murph, substituting LBC's for squats.

Up front for Mary:
– Jane Fonda's left
– Groin lifts right #ShowToKnow
– Jane Fonda's right
– Groin lifts left
– 30 seconds

..and we're done…

Reflection:  Proverbs 22:5
"Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked;
    whoever guards his soul will keep far from them."
– Lots of distractions out there to prevent you from being the man God has planned you to be. 
– Keep far from them.  Don't "look but don't touch".  Keep far from them.
– Pure wisdom.

– sprinkled it in the bb, please add your memories in the comments
– SailView 5k tonight.  Registration opens around 4.  Fun Run (kids run 1/4 mile for free, $5 if you want a shirt) starts at 5:15pm.  5k starts at 5:30pm.  Will be perfect for running. for more details.
– Anvil will be leading a crew to SC for clean up.  He mentioned 11/12 possibly, and he'll be sending out an email when that is firm.
– Nov 12 – UFC Guys Night – Cheetah's house – details forthcoming…Prelims start at 8.  Main Card at 10pm.  The fights are ridiculous.  Alvaz/McGregor, Woodley/Thompson(WW title), Jedrzejczyk/Kowalkiewicz (WFW title), Weidman/Romero (MW contender), Gastelum/Cerrone, Tate/Pennington, Edgar/Stephens, Nurmagomedov/Johnson, Evans/Kennedy, Luque/Muhammad

Have fun today.
Enjoy your weekend with your families