Three is all we need

Event Date

May 26, 2021

Three men showed up and got to work at #MadSci. Good to have Popcorn back from a family trip out west – hope the family heals up well.

Since we only had three, it was the perfect time to introduce the partner pullups and partner curls – a Moses especial. We did a few rounds of those + derkins, dips, and bulgarian split squats at the base of the parking deck. 3 total rounds.

In between each of those rounds we took turns making our way up the parking deck. Partner A partner carries Partner B up the first level, while Partner C bear crawls alongside. Then stop for a chest exercise and an ab exercise. Rotate through so all partners get a chance to carry, to be carried, and to bear crawl. Stop at each level for chest and ab exercise. 2 total rounds.

To end the workout, we quadraphilia-ed to the top of the deck and then ran back down. Yuck.

Was a solid workout – recommend trying it- but not at home. And only with groups of 3 men.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, Popcorn.

Rico, great to see you out pushing and getting yourself back into top form.