Three Larry Birds in One Workout = Humbling!

Event Date

Mar 29, 2016

Pax listed above plus Fannie Mae posted at 5:15am for the Tuesday AES.  Creeper was unavailable so YHC did his best to deliver a beatdown worthy of the esteemed medical equipment sales professional/fitness model who could not make it to his Q.

After a standard warm-up , we ran to the IB School for:

3 cyles of 10 pullups, run to basketball court, 20 pushups, run to tables, 30 alt step-ups, plank, then

2 cycles of 10 Bulgarian Squats (each leg), run to court for 20 merkins (narrow, wide), run to bars for 10 monkey pullups.

Run to DUMC, get a paver, do a little Mary, then…

15 burpees with paver jump-over, 15 paver squat presses

12 burpees with paver jump-over, 12 paver squat presses

9 burpees with paver jump-over, 9 paver squat presses

6 burpees with paver jump-over, 6 paver squat presses

3 burpees with paver jump-over, 3 paver squat presses

Couple more Mary Exercises on Blocks, then put them up and mosey to Wall at church

Two sets of squat box jumps (10X) with full stand up at top (Gabby watch your head) and 10X merkins (incline then decline), run back to Green.

Mary and then COT.


Special Sauce is becoming a Davidson regular.  We might have to get him a Prius with a Bernie sticker…

Tater, Easy and SS killed it on the burpee jumps and paver squat presses.  Every set, I would look up and they were done before me..three Larry Birds in one workoot is humbling!

Spanarkel gets faster and faster as he gets more accustomed to that bionic hip!  WAR DADDY Rocks!

Curd, Tater and Gabby are tall enough I had to do a double disclaimer on the box jumps under the walkway, so they would not bust open their heads on the full extension …Easy and I never had that problem!

Great group today guys.  Enjoy the small group at AES.  See you in the Gloom!