Three Man Grinder

Event Date

Oct 05, 2017

It was a crisp cool morning on Hump Day so why not break out the three man grinder.  12 men posted, some with jackets and some without but regardless we got to work at 0530 in the parking lot of ELHS.


Mosey down to the practice football field



SSH x20

Windmill x10

Merkin Warmup:  x5 IC of the following – Regular, staggered left and right, wide and diamond


Break up into teams of 3 for Grinder:

P1 stands at 0 yard line and performs assigned exercise

P2 runner relief between P1 & P2

P3 stand at 40 yard line and performs assigned exercise


Five minutes each of the following…

Set 1:     Squats & Carolina Dry Dock

Set 2:     Lunges & Mountain Climbers

Set 3:     Jump Squats & Plank

Set 4:     Jump Lunges & Low Flutter


Mosey over to bottom of stairs

Reverse Spiderman up the stairs


Mosey to bottom of the baby hill and grab two bricks


Peoples Chair with 10 brick presses

Crawl Bear up the hill and mosey back down


Peoples Chair with 8 brick presses

Crawl Bear up the hill and mosey back down


Peoples Chair with 6 brick presses

Crawl Bear up the hill and mosey back down


Peoples Chair with 4 brick presses

Crawl Bear up the hill and mosey back down

Mosey to parking lot for MARY:

Low Dolly

Reverse Crunch

Pretzel Crunch




-Yeah I know this is a day late @Ziplock, as long as it is posted before the next workout then I am meeting my SLA.  

-Since it was a little cool I thought it would be worthwhile to keep us moving, didn’t want those with jackets to freeze out there. 

-Not a lot of chatter, I will blame it on the spacing out of the Pax or because everyone left at 0555.