Three’s a Crowd

Event Date

Mar 11, 2022

Three brave souls emerged from the fog to engage in the Battle of the Bells.

Warm Up: X 15

SSH, Cotgon Picker, Toy Soldier, Mtn Climber, Arm Circles.

Mosey to gym

Beat Down: 

Arms. X 15

Curls, Skull Crushers, Squat Press, Upright Rows, American Swing, 5 KB Merkins each side, Run to top of lot and do 10 Merkins, mosey back.

Legs. X 15

Dead Lift, Goblet Squat, Sumo Lift, Walmart each side, Russian Swing, 5 KB Merkins each side, Lunge Walk w/KB to second line and do 10 KB Merkins each side. Mosey back and do 15 KB Merkins each side.

Core X 15

Sits Ups, Russian Twist, Plank Rows, Chest Press with OH Extension, KB Drag to first line, Reverse drag back. Mosey to launch pad.


Low Dolly,Low Flutter, Jane Fonda, Protractor 3 rounds


1 Peter 3:15

"In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect."

Prayers for Zippy and Scope.  Pray for end to the madness in Ukraine!