Three’s Company

Event Date

May 13, 2016

PAX not listed above: Hangover

Two new faces showed for the third Gears ride of the season, and it's a good thing they did, else it would've been a solo ride.  Friday was a busy morning for a number of ride regulars, so going in we knew it'd be a small PAX.  Hangover, Ball Bearing, and I rolled out from the town green as scheduled at 0600.  The route was modified to avoid the standing water that sometimes forms on the greenway. 

THE THANG  <13mi., approx 45 minutes

Town Green > Concord Rd > River Run > E. Rocky River > Shearer Rd > Gray Rd > Concord Rd > Town Green



  • Welcome back to Gears, Ball Bearing. I love riding with you because I know every car on the road will see us from 500 yards out. You are a beacon of safety!  Excellent work on Gray Rd hill. 
  • Hangover was sporiting his newly procured Cannondale and cycling kit.  Brother looked sharp. Hangover now holds the title of slightest rider in the group.  Don't plan to draft behind him, and lookout on the hills. He was breathing down my neck up Gray. Nice work, dude. 
  • As it turned out, three was perfect company this morning. Good conversation along the route. I think Ball Bearing convinced Hangover to buy a house – for real. Fortunately, none of us had a Jack Tripper moment like this
  • Guys in the Isotope region who ride, come join us.  Would love to see riders from outside Davidson.  We're done by 7am, and those who can stay have coffee afterward.  
  • By my count, we've had 10 different riders in all across the 3 rides so far.  Would love to have a peloton of 10 next Friday.  Bring yourself, bring others.  For those of you involved in the cycling community, this is a great way to EH guys into F3. 
  • Thanks for the opportunity to lead and be part of something great.