Three’s Company

Event Date

Oct 09, 2017

There was half a rainy Standard for Funky Town and YHC joined for a quarter Standard. Megaphone dropped by to say good morning then continued on his run. Funky Town and I were discussing a Starbucks audible when Tagless joined so the workout began.  

Warm Up

One lap around the school then form a triangle.

SSH – 40

WM – 15, CP – 15, ISP – 15, TS – 15, MC – 15,



Pick up a Block and carry to each stop.

Stop #1.              20 Curls ©

Stop #2.             30 Block swings

Stop #3.             10 Block calf raises per leg

Stop #4.             15 Block lunges per leg

Stop #5.             20 Skull crushers ©

Stop #6.             30 Block squats ©

Stop #5.             20 Shoulder presses ©

Stop #4.             10 Lawn mower pulls (each hand) ©

Stop #3.             10 WWII Sit ups with block (On my up)

Stop #2.             10 Block Presses ©

*After each stop you sprint back to Stop #1 and plank. As a group 2 mericans and 2 SSH  increase by 2 each time. We stopped at 16 reps and skipped the sprint for the last two exercises.



Low Flutter, Crunchy Frog, J-Lo, The W, Box Cutter, LBC’s


One guy running around a parking lot in the dark carrying a cinder block in the rain is strange. Two guys running around a parking lot in the dark carrying a cinder block in the rain is a little odd but once you hit three or more guys then that’s an F3 workout. The hardest exercise was that first step out into the rain this morning and I am stronger for the two men who braved it.