Thriftshop scores a deal on a weighted vest

7 posted for The Murph today.

Thrift Shop come in sporting his new Rogue Weight Vest. More on that in a minute.

Iron Horse Left his weight vest at home and Clark left his in his car.

We began with a question. Does anyone here know the mission of F3?

All PAX failed this question. So YHC reminded them. The mission of F3 is to Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

How are we planting? How are we growing? How are we serving? How are we leading? How are we invigorating men to be leaders? Can we do better? I know I can.

Now we are off to start #TheMurph. Crabby Patty leads us out and is uncatchable. Actually Sparrow leads us out minutes before anyone else started. Once at the pull-up bars several PAX go Full Chippendale as the humidity is in full effect. Glistening sweat roles off our bodies and falls to the ground to join the blessing that we call the dew on the grass. Thrift Shop tells us his story on how he obtained the weighted vest. Of course he buys it second hand. I mean his name is Thrift Shop. He finds it on FB Marketplace for $30 and agrees to buy it. The only problem is the seller realizes that he isn’t asking enough money because all the CrossFit dudes are itching to buy it as well. The seller then asks Thrift Shop if he can do $50 instead because he is getting A LOT of messages about it. Surprisingly Mr. Thrifty obliges with the $50 proposal and he is the proud owner of a Rogue weight west complete with 3rd hand sweat.

In the end 1 mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 ‘Mericans
300 Squats
1 more mile run

Reflection verse of the day from the Bible App
Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.