Through the Ropes

We gathered, pledged, warmed up

Very slowly moseyed to the wall and did some peoples chair, praying mantis, and balls to the wall. Thanks for the countin Primo and Cousin Eddie.  We then moseyed to the road and partnered for some AMRAP 150  each of Merkins, Squats, Carolina DD, WWII, Dips.  That was tough so we didnt do more, did 5 burpies and back to the wall and repeated people's chair, praying mantis, and balls to the wall-nice counting Sampsonite.  We then got to go inside the ropes for pullups, burpies, and planking.  A few of us found how nice it is to do burpies on the rubber flooring.  From there we sprinted to the Flag and started Mary.  Primo took us home with some great Homer to Marge and other exercises and we wrapped up with 5 more burpies.

Good time had by most, great to see some people I hadnt seen in a while and also great meeting Popcorn and Na Na Na who are both relatively new and crushing it!  Thanks Eeyore for the opportunity to lead.