Throw a dart, win a prize

Event Date

Jan 16, 2021


*3 Pax showed up early for a little pre-workout running



*Sally – (Always a crowd favorite) It has been way too long as proved by the number of PAX laying on the ground halfway through, YHC included.

*Mosey around the parking lot ending at the block pile.

*Get a block (Or rock if you are a 2.0 or spork) and return to the launch pad.

*Now for the fun part:

  -A dartboard, some darts, and some index cards are at the launch pad.

 -The game consist of drawing a card, then throwing a dart to determine how many reps will be done. Doubles and triples are in play and well as the threat of “Blurpees” if you manage to miss the board completely.

      *Exercises consist of:

            -Monkey Humpers (IC)

            -Skull Crushers (IC)

            -Merkins (IC)

            -Mt Climbers (IC)

             -SSH (IC)

            -Block Swings

            -Squat Thrusters

            -Curls (IC)

           -WW1s (IC)

             -Jump Shots


            -Shoulder Press (IC)

            -Dr Ws


-Take a lap between rounds


*Numbers never really got out of hand until Sonar drew Dr Ws and then proceeds to throw a triple 15 (45 Reps). The PAX quickly determined this was physically impossible, unless of course, you are Chuck Norris. This was broken into 3 sets of 15 but we did indeed do all 45.

*No one missed the board surprisingly, although a did see a dart in the pole supporting the board. I let that slide as it never hit the ground.

*Our balance was thrown off as you are supposed to have a beer in one hand while throwing darts. At least that is how I learned to play.

*FNG was Mater’s daughter, Turtle.

*A 20 was thrown for Burpees which sucked but it could have been much worse as it was half an inch from a triple 20 (60).

*Good times were had. Thanks for joining me.