Throwing the PAX off with impromptu pain

Event Date

Feb 18, 2017

The Pax, nearly all who just ran the RR10K, were not ready for the Ultraman version of Excelsior which consisted of running and pain, but surprise pain stops and stupid, never performed exercises, which may never see the gloom again.  This is how it went down…

  • Run to the light with uphill karaoke (each side), butt kickers, high knees, to get the legs loose and ready for what was to come.  Hit the sidewalk and run to the entrance to Tanners Creek.
  • At the first stop sign the Pax were stopped unexpectedly and dropped to perform 25 merkins.  The run continued into the neighborhood covering the outer loop.  All of a sudden the Pax were stopped for a lunge walk to the next intersection. 
  • YHC consulted with MQ to determine the best way (defined as most hills) to proceed.  At the next big hill as the Pax were 1/2 way up you guessed it they were forced to stop and Bear Crawl to the top of the hill.  The run continued on until the intersection with Bud Henderson, which was a perfect time for grabbing some curb for mini dips.
  • Commence running to the intersection where the first set of 25 merkins occurred and sure enough 25 more were in order. 

Head out of the neighborhood and run up the sidewalk back to the AO.  Circle up behind the bathroom for the stupid exercises which went like this…

  • Everyone face the wall and get into a plank.  Move your arms in front of you and place your hands on the wall and bring them back to plank and repeato to 10IC
  • Face the wall and hands on the wall for wall Mt. Climbers
  • Flip around and put your feet on the wall for Peter Parkers

Mary time with the Crunchy Frog, low Flutter, and Rosalita. Recover, recover.



Turncoat was rocking the Orange like the sun Nike’s, which helped YHC who forgot his headlight, see where he was going… Thanks for lighting the way.

Turnpike & J-Lo, as far as I know, ran RR10K, Excelsior, ran from RBP to Latta, and then threw in another 7 + miles of trails for 20 miles before most people even pour their first cup of coffee.  If that’s not hardcore, what is?

T-bone should have been home packing for his trip to NY to see his sister, but was out in the gloom doing stupid things and getting stronger- nice job.

Tantrum was relatively quiet this morning, which is highly unusual, but he must have been saving himself for the triple down which he was well on his way to accomplish. Strong work.

Fenway is as strong as ever and was able to knock out the Bear crawls even with his reduced mobility in his wrists, not going to let an exercise stop him, plus he then ran another 7+ miles of trails at Latta.  Honored to run with you.

Jolly is always up for a challenge and today was no exception.  Even though he continued to try to break away for coffee, he kept coming back and was on pace to complete the triple as well. Awesome work as always JR.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this fine group of men Turnpike.
