
14 men ventured into the gloom for an old fashioned Thug beat down at Paininsula. 

Mosey to the corner parking lot for some warmarama.  Ignore the NO LOITERING sign.  We aren’t loitering, we are warming up!

15 SSH, 15 IST, 15 long snappers, 15 wind mills

Mosey to the hill on Jetton Rd for some ladder work.  Quadrafilia up the hill for 10 Carolina Dry docks, back down for one LBC; back up for 9 CDD then back down for 2 LBCs, you get it from there.

And of course……. THE BURPEE!!!

Mosey to Jetton Green Loop for some partner work.  While partner one runs around the loop the other partner does exercises until finish with 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. 

Mosey to the pond on Charles Town Lane for some rail work.  15 dips, 10 one leg squat/lunge each leg, 10 derkins, 15 Freddy Mercury, 15 dips,   10 one leg squat/lunge each leg, 10 incline merkins, 15 low dolly

Mosey to the fire station for The Pledge of Allegiance

Next was some good old fashioned Cackalakachoochoo!!!  Thanks for the suggestion Titan!! There was so much excitement we did it twice!

Mosey back to finish with Callahan leading the way at a very quick pace!

Finish with some mary and of course as promised….. Two burpees!!! (some may have rejected this and decided they weren’t strong enough to complete the workout……)


Warmarama was very chatty and even getting heated.  I believe I even heard a “f___ you Callahan” from Outlaw.  No idea what that was about. 

There apparently was some confusion with Timecheck’s name during the workout.   His partner in the loop was calling him something else in which he was politely correcting him by saying “Timecheck” which just confused his partner and wondered why he kept asking for a timecheck…….

Einstein getting called out for “maybe” skipping a rep on the hill because there was no way he could finish that fast?  No problem, he did an “extra” rep and still finished before most….

Good thing Bagboy and Oyster skipped this workout today.  It would have been really hard for them.

Kudos to Einstein, Cousin Eddie, Riverboat and Oshkosh for doing the standard before the workout. 

By the way, it’s cream filled donut day!!!

Good conversations at Coffee.   Einstein makes good shrimp cocktail and Outlaw does not like Salmon…….
