Thunderdome Games

Event Date

Mar 15, 2016

PAX of 5 entered the Thunderdome for YHC’s return of the helm. Evening traffic caused for a slightly less than prompt start, but the PAX more than made up for it with their intensity. It was the largest crowd the Thunderdome has seen to date. Surely the masses came out in droves to witness the epic beat down first hand and not to just watch the lacrosse game being played on the field next to us. Regardless, we got a lot of head turns and long stares as folks wondered what in the world are we putting ourselves through. The Tuesday night running club was absolutely baffled. Soccer arm envy? Perhaps.



  • SSH 20X IC


    The Thang

    PAX broke up into two groups to perform 6:30 AMRAP circuits with :30 rest in between. Each group performed its first circuit and then swapped.


    Round 1

    Group 1 – Circuit 1

  • Partner 1 – farmer carry 50lb KB’s to cone and back (~60 yards)

  • Partner 2 – 10 (4 count) mountain climbers + 10 jump squats (continue until P1 returns)


    Group 2 – Circuit 2

  • Partner 1 – Climb stairs with 10 squats at each landing (3 landings=30 squats/ascent) with sandbag on back

  • Partner 2 – KB swings until P1 returned

  • Partner 3 – KB sumo squats until P1 returned

  • PAX rotated through each station until time was up


    Round 2

    Group 1 – Circuit 2

  • Partner 1 – Climb stairs with 10 squats at each landing (3 landings=30 squats/ascent) with sandbag on back

  • Partner 2 – KB swings until P1 returned


    Group 2 – Circuit 1

  • Partner 1 – farmer carry 50lb KB’s to cone and back (~60 yards)

  • Partners 2 & 3 – 10 (4 count) mountain climbers + 10 jump squats (continue until P1 returned)

  • PAX rotated through each station until time was up


    Round 3

    Group 1 – Circuit 3

  • Partner 1 – Bear crawl with KB drag to cone and back (~30 yards)

  • Partner 2 – Bent over rows with sandbag (continue until P1 returned)


    Group 2 – Circuit 4

  • Partner 1 – Broad jump burpee to the cone and back (~30 yards)

  • Partners 2 & 3 – Goblet squat press with KB (continue until P1 returned)

  • PAX rotated through each station until time was up


    Round 4

    Group 1 – Circuit 4

  • Partner 1 – Broad jump burpee to the cone and back (~30 yards)

  • Partner 2 – Goblet squat press with KB (continue until P1 returned)


    Group 2 – Circuit 3

  • Partner 1 – Bear crawl with KB drag to cone and back (~30 yards)

  • Partners 2 & 3 – Bent over rows with sandbag (continue until P1 returned)

  • PAX rotated through each station until time was up



    Mosey onto the track and circle up

  • Muricans 10X IC

  • On your six

    • Hold six inches

    • Homer to Marge with slow 5 count down to Homer 5X

    • Hold six inches

    • Low Dolly 15X IC

    • Hold six inches

    • Homer to Marge with slow 5 count down to Homer 4X

    • Hold six inches

    • Low Flutter 15X IC

    • Hold six inches for slow 5 count

  • Muricans 10X IC


    Return to parking lot for COT



  • Thank you Nitestick for taking us out in the COT considering we were all still trying to catch our breath

  • I love seeing the PAX completely smoked, yet extremely satisfied, at the end of a workout – you fellas gave everything you had and then some

  • Mumblechatter was nonexistent as we kept the pace and intensity high the entire time

  • Thanks for showing up and being a consistent Tuesday night crew – I’m confident we’re all getting better and stronger together