Thunderdome gets a visit from Lorena Bobbitt

Event Date

Feb 09, 2016

On a frigid, windy 36 degree night, 4 warriors got together at Bailey Middle School Road to light a fire to their core and upper body.  YHC had the over prepared Weinke and was prepared to have 6 to 10 people show.  After the final four was announced, I pulled a Lorena Bobbitt on my Weinke and cut in half to focus on some killer moves in a tabata beat down.

Warm O Rama

  • SSX IC x36
  • MC IC x 18
  • Tom Brady IC x4 (Start in plank, spider man right, spider man left, walk right hand out, walk left hand out, carolina dry dock, walk hands back in, then feet back out into a regular Merican- its a 12 count move if done in cadence, therefore, its Tom Brady)

The Thang

  • Set the tabata pro app to 8 cycles, 1 minute each with 20 seconds rest, blare tunes, deliver pain
  • Set 1
    • 2 members went to the stairs for some quality sand bag work.  The 80 lbs and 60 lbs sands bags were used to go up and down the Bailey Middle Stairs switching between the Fireman's carry and the Inch Worm
    • The 50 lbs and 35 kettle bells were used to do the one legged skater KB squat and the traditional goblin squat
    • The Pax rotates through all 4 exercises
    • Repeato!
  • Set 2
    • The TRX bands were hung from the basketball hoops for a full body weight, crush your core incline 'Merican
    • One legged deadlift with kettle bells
    • Around the world KB pass <– core is disappearing
    • Freddie Mercury <– goodbye core
    • Repeato!  No cries of BS, so I knew we were onto something
  • Set 3
    • Pax switches KBs between exercises
    • KB skull crushers
    • KB 8 count total body builder
    • Pull through 'Mericans
    • Overhead press
    • REPEATO!
    • Editor's note:  Mumble chatter has disappeared altogether  at this point except some words of encouragement as every one rallied to push their brethren through!


  • 1 Minute of partner pass WW2 situps with the kettle bell
  • 15 seconds rest
  • The Russian Hammer for 1 minute
  • Breathe


The Naked Man Moleskin

  • It was cold and lonely in the deep dark night…until I saw paradise by the Bailey School Lights…(Meatloaf) YHC sure was sure that everyone was going to bail and was extremely happy when the cars rolled in to answer the call.
  • Great work by the team.  Mr Burns ate that 50 lbs kettlebell and attacked it harder than his usual chicken wing order.
  • Silver Bullet continued to do extra credit during the rest period and love the TRX belts.
  • Ramrod has the smoothest pace of exercises I've ever seen.  No exercise is too big or too small.   He just keeps knocking out the work.
  • The mumblechatter was good.   It was much closer to 2nd F than mumblechatter.  Recruiting tables were opened for BRR, HTL, MudRun, and Maniacs…I am not sure who signed up for what, but I am pretty sure I feel good about it.
  • That 80lbs sand bag is an absolute monster.  Trying to do the inch worm up and down the stairs with that behemoth was way harder than I imagined.
  • Its an absolute honor to work out with men who hold me accountable and keep showing up.   Thank you for the opportunity to lead and participating actively in the decision making around running as part of the evenings workout.