Thunderdome Gets Thunderstruck

Event Date

Apr 17, 2017

Pax of 5 got Thunderstruck at Thunderdome and started the week off the right foot.


  • Play the song Thunderstruck by AC/DC
  • Continuous side straddle hops throughout song
  • Anytime the word Thunder or Thunderstruck is said the PAX drop into a burpee
  • My best research indicates that 33 burpees were performed during the song

The Thang

  • Grab a sandbag (~40#) and mosey to front right corner of the church for a 4 corner sandbag WOD
  • Round 1
    • Corner 1
      • 10 sandbag thrusters
      • 10 power burpees (burpee with a sandbag overhead snatch on the way up)
      • Run to corner 2 with sandbag
    • Corner 2
      • 9 sandbag thrusters
      • 9 power burpees
      • Run to corner 3 with sandbag
    • Continue this pattern of descending by 1 rep from 10 – 1
    • Total: 55 thrusters & 55 power burpees
  • Round 2
    • Corner 1
      • 10 clean/press/back squat/press with sandbag
      • 10 overhead lunges
      • Run to corner 2 with sandbag
    • Continue this patter of descending by 2 reps from 10 – 2
    • Total: 30 CPSP & 30 overhead lunges



  • Great job by all – felt good getting back out to Thunderdome post HH
  • 4 ran ~2.5 mile standard