Thunderdome Monday Free Weight Distribution

6 Giants hit Thunderdome at GCC with vigor and perseverance and came out. 3 for Std Ruck & YHC for Std Run around GCC campus.  22 temp with 51% humidity is heading in the right direction. This Friday gloom over 50 temp.  This is the distribution of Pain schedule.

Mosey through part of GCC lot with side straddles, caraoka, & regular runnin.


SSH x 20 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, Squat x 10 IC, Toy Soldier x 15 IC, American Pushup x 10 IC

The Thang-

6 Stations for 6 Studs at the bottom of piece of Devil's Ascent

All exercises will be done to muscle burn or failure as pax chooses.  No specific count.


1- Straight bar – 45 lbs – Curls

2 – Sand bag – 50 lbs – Front Squat

3 – Case of Food Lion Water – 28 bottles (bonus 4 week) ~ 30 lbs – Bent Over Rows

4 – Ruck with 30 lb plate – Shoulder Presses

5 – Kettle Bell Swings – pax choice of weight

6 – KB – Lawnmower Pulls – pax choice of weight

Round #1 – Station + run up hill, then down

#2 – Station + run up hill, 2 Burpees, run down

#3 – Station + bear crawl hill, 4 Burpees, run down

#4 – Station + bear crawl hill, 6 Burpees, run down

#5 – Station + bear crawn hill, 8 Burpees, crawl bear down

#6 – Station + bear crawl hill, 10 Burpees, crawl bear down

Mosey to small playground side of GCC

Picnic tables – Dips x 15 IC, cross playground, 10 pullups oyo bars or rings, cross back, Decline Mericans x 10 IC

Repeato diff counts – Dips x 10 IC, cross, 10 pullups oyo, cross, Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey back to Devil's Ascent

Each pax at station.  All pax front or goblet squat to burn or failure.  Run Hill, 2 Burpees, Run Down

Each pax at station.  All pax alternating lunges to burn or failure.  Run Hill, 10 Mericans, Run Down


LBC X 20 IC, Box Cutter x 10 IC, Rosalita x 15 IC, Low Flutter x 20 IC, Mason Twist x 20 IC

Rumple Moleskin – 

1 – Thanks to Blackberry for allowing me to Q Thunderdome at GCC.  Always Strong group pushing each other, but solid Mumblechatter.

2 – Today was regular movement of weight for 5/6 pax.  TBC took it to mean Low weight, High reps.  Think about 78 curls with 45 lb bar.  Outrageous !  Had to limit highest count to 40.  Crazy – HA.

3 – If pax looking to build Strength, miss pieces of the gym like YHC, or just looking for solid muscle confusion, get your butt out FS on Monday for Thunderdome.


Mayhem (in the AM)