Thunderdome Murph

8 got after it at Thunderdome this morning to honor Op. Red Wings.  2 put in an additional 2.5 miles for the Standard. 


None.  Run a mile.


We did that Murph thang.  Broken up into 20 sets:

100 Pull-ups

200 Merkins

300 Squats


None.  Run a mile.


Lifted up TBC and his family with the passing of his grandmother. 


  • Good talk this morning while running with TBC.  Family, longevity, and the differences between earlier generations and ours.  Safe travels up to PA bro.
  • Welcome FNG A.J.  This is not an easy workout for your first post, but you hang in there like a true champ.  Looking forward to seeing you again shortly (Blender?).  We’ll work on that cadence of yours.
  • This is Cornwallis’ last Murph at TDome, and in Lake Norman for quite some time.  Gonna miss you man.  Knowing that you are taking your talents to an area that will benefit from them is God’s work in action.  Godspeed and fair thee well.  1 Corinthians 16: 13-14.
