Thunderdome returns to The Cauldron

13 Gloom Warriors entered the Thunderdome in the Cauldron arena for the daily dose of downPainment.  

1 for a 2 mile standard

2 for a Odyssey and Cauldron Double Down.

2 for a 45 minute Ruck beatdown before the Cauldron



15 Cotton Pickers IC

Arm Circles

15 Mountain Climbers IC


Partner up

All Stations AMRAP

Station 1- Mericans

Station 2 – KB presses

Station 3 – Sandbag Deadlifts

Station 4 – Goblet Squats

Station 6 – KB Swings

After Station 6 – Quadraphilla up to the sign (approximately 50 yards) and run around the loop back to Station 1.  

Upon arriving at Station 1 each group moved up a station. 

Goal: Complete 3 rounds: MET

Burpee ladder 10, thrown in to up the intensity


Circle up with KB

Curls IC, 10,12, 15

Skull Crushers IC  10,8, 6


J Lo 10 IC- AMEN

Mac Taraji – 10 IC – Turnpike

Staggard KB Mericans – 10 Each arm – Fly Over

W's X 15 – Spare

Crabawalkees X 15ish – Toxic


1. Thank you Spare for allowing me to Q.  Sorry I got ahead of myself and did COT after Prayers.  Hope you allow me to come back and Q

2.  Thank you to all the Pax for allowing me to change it up a bit and introduce a few sandbags to the mix

3.  Not a lot of mumblechatter….until Jolly showed up….then Blackbeard chimmed in…then I called burpees….you deserved it

4.  I have soccer arms…wouldnt change it for the world. BRR is an awesome experience and I highly recommend it to all Pax

5. AMEN..Continue to crush it man. You are an inspiration. 

6.  Frogger- I am really glad to see you still coming out depsite the foot.  Keep going strong brother

Strong work by all, and I am blessed to have spent this morning with each of you.