Thunderdome Smoke Show

The Thunderdome brought the smoke, but 7 emerged unphased. 

**Ruck on – TBC, Mr Burns, Olive



15 Cotton Pickers IC

45 Overhead Claps

The Thang

1 minute per station 5 total stations GOAL- 3 rounds

Station 1

AMRAP Mericans

Audible to AMRAP Hand Release Mericans

Bear Crawl to Station 2 (30-40 feet away)

AMRAP SQUATS W/60 # sandbag

Crab walk to Station 3 (30-40 Feet away)

AMRAP BENT OVER ROW 80 # sand bag

Duck Walk to Station 4 (30-40 Ft)

AMRAP KB SWINGS (35,40,50 # option)

Lunge Walk to Station 5

Clean,Squat, Press AMRAP ( 40 # bag)

Quadraphilla back to station 1.


After every two stations with 1 station break: 10 down to 1 Burpee ladder (Ruck Off)


To break up the smoke fest we all meet at the kettlebells 20 minutes and 30 minutes in to do

8 Curls IC

8 Overhead Press IC

7 Curls IC

7 Overhead press IC



40 IC low Flutters

Some random exercise Silver Bullet learned in Denver.

Recover Recover



-TBC- Thank you for letting me lead at Thunderdome.  This is my favorite workout, and has been the ultimate GYMR.  I appreciate your leadership and drive.  Thanks for pushing me daily

-Silverbullet-   Your mumble chatter is strong, and I appreciate the chatter. One day I will design a workout that will shut you up.  Maybe more running? 

-Olive-  Looking comfortable in the Ruck.  You are a beast. 

-Ramrod-  Glad you didn’t oversleep.  Thank you for getting me into F3.  If it wasn’t for you, then I would not be the person I am today.

– Billy Bob-  The silent beast.  You are the definition of embracing the suck and crushing a workout.  I think you should look into the backpack thing we have going on in April.

-FNG Tony- Strong work out there.  I know this is a tough first workout to come to.  I speak for all of us in saying we hope you come back.


As always, thank you all for making me a better man day in and day out.  Without F3 I would be lost.  #ISI