Thunderstruck for the Weekend

19 got it done this morning at The Foundry.  Here’s how it all went:


Mosey around the parking lot

Circle up in the lot near cars

IST x 15 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

Windmill x 10 IC


Thunderstruck Burpees (Continuous Side Straddle Hops with Burpees every time “Thunder” is heard for the length of the song)

Line up for Indian Run lap around parking lot

Partner up and Partner Carry to pull up bars

Partner #1 does Pullup/Burpees (later revised to 5 pullups/5 burpees), Partner #2 runs lap of parking lot.  Flapjack.

Partner #1 does Squats, Partner #2 runs lap of parking lot.  Flapjack.

Partner #1 does Merkins, Partner #2 Bear Crawls to end of parking aisle and back.  Flapjack.

Partner #1 does Low Flutter with Chest Press, Partner #2 Crab Walks to end of parking aisle and back.  Flapjack.

Mosey as a group to next parking aisle and sprint to the end.  Alternate mosey and sprint with each parking aisle to end of parking lot.

Mosey to the wall and get in People’s Chair.

Overhead press x 20 IC

Balls to the Wall for ~60 seconds

People’s chair again with Overhead press x 20 IC

Mosey back to cars and circle up for Mary.


WWII Situps x 25

Mack-Tar-Jai (totally mis-spelled) x 10 IC

Elbow Plank x 60 secs


  • Great work this morning by everyone, the Pax were strong and the mumblechatter was stronger.  19 is a great crowd.  Thanks for coming out and getting stronger with me.
  • Thanks QBert for the opportunity to Q.  It was a great way to end the week and get ready for the weekend.
  • Reminder: Marathon Ruck is launching tonight (4/27) from GCC at 2000 (8pm).  The route has been posted on Twitter & Slack.  There are also options for a Half-Marathon, or if you just want to jump in or out as we go.  It will be a great 1st & 2nd F opportunity.  Looking forward to seeing a lot of brothers out there.
  • See you all in the gloom again shortly.
