Thursday Thunder

Event Date

Mar 21, 2019


Three Men joined me for a solid workout bright and early ready to get after it.


1.  LBH run, to get the legs warmed up

2.  SSH IC

3.  Imperial Squat Walkers

4.  Quad Stretch

5.  Cotton Pickers

6.  Ham Stretches

The Thang:

Quadriphilia up LBH, 20 Burpees, back to parking lot for Lunge Walks up the parking lot.

Quadriphilipa up LBH, 15 WWI, back to parking lot, Carioca each side.

Run to playground, 5+ "perfect" form Pullups, 20 Low Squats:  5+ more strict form Pullups and 10 Bulgarian Split Squats:  5+ more Pullups, 15 Deadlift style squats, touching the ground.

Max Merkins OYO, Max Pullups, Max Situps.

Quadriphilia LBH, back to parking lot, Carioca each side up the parking lot.


Flutter Kicks the Low Dolly 15 reps IC

Arm Haulers AKA Torpedoes, for around 30 seconds.  Low Plank Leglifts, each leg.  Finished up with LBC's


2 Timothy 1-7:

For the Spirit of God gave us does not make us timid but gives us power, love and self-discipline.


All three of these men work hard every single workout, this was no exception.  I appreciate your hard work, it makes the Q's job very easy.  

The discussion following the reflection is very relevant to the emphasis on mental health that will be highlighted and discussed this week 03/27 and 03/28.  It makes me very proud and humbled that I have a small part in an organization that cares so genuinely for its members and the world as a whole.

Have a great week and keep working hard,
