The Bomb Squad was called

9 Pax served on the bomb squad today to disarm multiple time bombs @ #Arnie’sArmy. Here’s what went down:

Welcome/Disclaimer at Base


Warmarama (IC):

-Mosey lap to bridge and back to base

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Hillbilly x20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40)

-‘Lil Professor/Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10

Circuit 1:

Indian Bear Crawl-All Pax do elbow plank in a straight line. The last Pax bear crawls to the front until all Pax complete one side of the parking lot.

Circuit 2:

Grab blocks

-Overhead press x10 (20IC)

-Deadlift x10 (20IC)

-Skull crusher x10 (20IC)

-Squats x10 (20IC)

-Bent-over row x10 (20IC)

Mosey lap around the parking lot

Circuit 3:

-Grab your block and do 20 curls IC (40)

-Circle up and on your 6 for a time bomb for each below followed by a plank to James Bond when done.

  • WWII x55 (YHC can’t describe in words how miserable this was)
  • LBC x15
  • Freddy Mercury x15
  • Russian Twist x15
  • Heels to Heaven reverse crunch x15

-Grab blocks and do 20 chest press IC (40)

Mosey lap around the parking lot

Circuit 4:

-Grab your block and do 20 curls IC (40)

-Grab blocks and do 20 chest press IC (40)

-Circle up and on your 6 for 10 rep time bomb for each below followed by a plank to Downward Dog when done.

  • Diamond ‘Merican x6
  • Mountain Climber x6
  • ‘Merican x6
  • Inchworm x6

Blocks up

Recover, Recover


YHC had planned for reps to be a 10 count with 3 different circuits, but after one round of WWII’s, an audible was needed or we would still be at the clubhouse now trying to complete everything that YHC had on the weinke. We will recycle this weinke after lessons learned for a future Q at some lucky AO.  Smokey, Lambeau, Macarena, Tammy Faye, The Force, Mulligan, Roadie, and Turncoat got it done today. Lambeau came in hot, and with the headlamp in the gloom, YHC thought he was Travolta (sorry bro). Speaking of which, Lambeau gets it done and is like the energizer bunny. I think in his head he was shouting, “Thank you sir may I have another!” Smokey is the same, dude is a hard charger and YHC probably should’ve wove in some burpees for him (perhaps next time). It was good to see Macarena back out from the Kotter. You did great bro and we hope to see you again soon. The Force and Tammy Faye seemed to like the bear crawls and core work today and did not disappoint. What can’t they do? Turncoat was back at it again after missing a few posts at Arnie’s. One would never have known though because he crushed it as usual. YHC’s block work could never compare to Mulligan’s standard block beatdown (but he already knows this). YHC knew he desired more reps, but alas the weinke failed to deliver. Roadie may have figured out the Soap Locator during warmarama. His form was muy excelente! Thanks to MQ, Tammy Faye, for lending YHC the keys today. It was great to start the week with my F3 brothers.

COT/Namarana/Prayer Requests/Announcements:

  • Mulligan’s Dad (Sam) has Lung Cancer.
  • The Force’s mom (Libby) has another round of chemo.
  • Roadie is trying to help a friend find a home for their 6YO German Shepherd due to moving. Free to a good home. See Roadie if interested.
  • Toby’s family appreciates the prayers and support during their time of loss of his father-in-law. Please continue to pray for his mother-in-law, wife, and family. Also pray for peace for a man named Dillon and his family who were involved in the incident.
  • Unspokens in all F3 circles.
  • Upcoming elections-Remember Hippie and Gambini who are running for Huntersville Town Commission as our fellow Pax! They need help with early voting and PR, so reach out to either if interested. Also, ask for a lawn sign!
  • There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s. Invite a brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one step on your own.

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)
