Time flies when you’re having to Run

Event Date

Jan 07, 2019



SSH (IC) x 20

Sprinklers (IC) x 10ish

Finkle Swings (IC) x 10 each leg

Hillbillies (IC) x 10

Partner up for Mini Capri Lap—P1 heads clockwise/P2 counter. When you meet do one hand clap merkin then turn around. Repeato til you get to 11. Plank for the 6.


Mosey to the track

Keeping partners…various out and back distance legs are assigned with an exercise to be done before you turn around.

Round 1

P1 runs out 50m does (5) Pistol squats each leg and runs back while P2 does hand release merkins…flapjack

P1 runs out 100m does (10) Knerkins and runs back while P2 does Russian dips…flapjack

P1 runs out 200m does (20) Monkey Humpers and runs back while P2 does Stair run adding 1 burpee at the top each time…flapjack

P1 runs out 400m does (40) Plank Dips and runs back while P2 does Quadraphelia hill run and moseys down…flapjack

Continue Hill quadraphelia til the 6 returns

Mosey back to Launchpad


1 minute American Hammers


1 Corinthians 13: 4-5

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."

Simple yet so true. Not sure if the Holidays, recent work schedule, or probably a combination of both but YHC has been short of patience lately and needs to be held accountable. Ran through this verse with the 2.0 last night and was a very good exercise talking about what each line meant to us and what we needed to work on.



Pray out


-Slight confusion when it was suggested to partner up with one with big arms and one with smaller to keep the PAX together. Will let you figure that one out. Spork was quick to point out he could be either.

-More confusion on the Capri lap with PAX traveling in muliple ways once meeting up.

-May have exceeded the Merkin max for a Monday Runday, but you'll (your M's) be happy with the results.

-All good work was had by all, and it's great to see some faces that are getting back in the 1st F mix.

-Thanks for the opportunity to lead and be led this morning gents.
