26 of F3 LKN's finest showed up for a muggy beatdown that was off the cuff by YHC.

*Gypsy, BEP, Hoodie, Travolta, and YHC also met the 2.70 mile #Standard.


Mosey to Movie theater parking lot for Warm-O-Rama which included backwards run, regular run, butt-kickers, high knees, L&R sidestep and then cirlce up for the COP

  • SSH IC x 15
  • IST IC x 15
  • Windmill IC x 15
  • Disclaimer
  • Mountain Climber IC x 15
  • 10 Merkins Single Count OYO

Mosey to the Rubbermaid Bridge

  1. ?This thing is too wide for what YHC planned so we improvised
  2. The improvision made YHC realize this thing is slick as a baby's butt and the bear crawls were then modified to crab walks were then modified to get off this damn thing

Mosey to Rubbermaid Parking Lot for a Reverse Ladder

  • 10 Decline Merkins – Bear Crawl across lot – 10 Incline Merkins – Crabwalk back
  • Repeato with dropping 2 reps each set all the way down through 2 
  • This sucked really bad

Mosey back to Wide Bridge

  • Lunge Walk across bridge

Mosey behind Movie Theatre all the way down to the Pond to get some Rocks

  • Curls for girls IC x 8
  • Skullcrushers IC x 8
  • Repeato each set dropping by 2 reps each set
  • Squats IC x 10

Mosey back to Fountain for Partner-MARY

  • Partner 1 runs up and around the splash fountain
  • Partner 2 does Low Flutter – flapjack or to 100 or whatever
  • Same with Low Dolly
  • Same with LBCs
  • Same with the W
  • Last set with a Plank


  1. Jazzhands has a strong mumblechatter game, as well as his socks, or were they his girlfriends?
  2. I think Samsonite and I ran a lap together and he told me how much the crabwalks made him realize he things crabs are stupid animals for walking that way. Maybe it was Oyster. Same hat, red shit, could not tell in the dark and I was tired. Either way, funny.
  3. Wide Bridges are not as funny as Wide Trails, am I right Jolly Roger? Wake up buddy. Get a new alarm.
  4. Was really, really, humid out there today. I left my shirt in my driveway after I got home. Happy wife, happy life.
  5. Good #s at a stellar AO that always seems to have a good time no matter how bad you make it suck.