Time for The Tech Line

Event Date

Feb 13, 2017

So, as is our custom in RaceCity, it is time to start another season and load up the newly improved, more aerodynamic and better engineered cars in the haulers for two weeks of non-stop adrenaline track activities,well except for the tech line.  It is the first thing the crews encounter and is often slow, tedious and even cold and windy while standing around.  So that is what I tried to replicate today.  8 total crewman got out of the fartsack to experience this for maybe the first time, maybe not.  2 had to head home after the std run for various reasons.  Here is how tech day went for the remaining 6:




10 WM IC

10 CP IC

Mosey to side of medical building to the tables:

10 Incline Merkins IC

10 10 Step ups each leg

10 DIps IC

Mosey to our techline which was the horseshoe parking lot in front of the preschool:

start with 5 burpees

run to the first light pole and co 5 mercins and run back.  Continue to each of the next 3 lightpoles completeing 10, 15 and 20 merkins respectively.


so repeato with squats


so trepeato with Dry Docks


so quadropeato with LBC's

WE passed, or may have been running out of time so we mosied back to the tables not forgetting to run by the stairs and bunny hop up three times

10 Decline Merkins IC

10 Step Ups each leg

10 Dips IC

Mosey back for Mary

15 Full Flutters IC

15 Low Dolly IC

15 Mason Twist IC


-Unfortunately it is something that seems to be happening to often lately, but all those that are hurt are unable to be out with us on a consistant basis we are praing for your health and battle back to the gloom.

-Not a whole lot of mumblechatter today, just men getting down to business.  We let the buffoons on the other side of town handle that.

-It is always an honor to lead you men and even more humbling that youy follow.