Time Mismanagement

Event Date

Jul 01, 2024

On a gloriously cool and wet morning, 8 men sauntered into the gloom. All the important people were present, so we launched.

Warmarama was the usual suspects. Deep squats feels soooo good.

The Thang was a Deka inspired workout. Do all exercises below with 2 big parking lot laps in between each one:

  • 30X reverse lunges with the block
  • 30X thruster
  • 30X WW2
  • 40X Australian pull up (sneaky hard)
  • 1 lap farmers carry (one block in each hand)
  • 40X merkin
  • 20X blockee

Holy shoot, these guys crushed it, so we had to add another round of 2 of the most hated ones, thruster and farmers carry.

This gave us the 10 minutes I had planned for a sweet sweet 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off Mary inspired by Cherrybomb’s most favorite YouTube fitness peddler. Recover recover.


  • I’ve seen a lot of Matlock lately. Wish it was summer all the time.
  • Cobra came home a week early from vacation specifically for this workout. What’s your excuse Tammy Faye and Cherrybomb?
  • Tuffy keeps claiming he’s not a runner, but we know better.
  • Omega is so cool I want to be just like him when I grow up.
  • If Ichabod keeps losing weight at this pace he’ll cease to exist by the end of 2025. Get him while he’s still here.
  • Be on the lookout for Pillager. Sweet name and awesome attitude. Just moved into the Birkdale area. I forgot to get him hooked up on the website. Please help.
  • Also be on the lookout for Pistol. Guy comes is pretty low key and modest, but dude’s a beast so don’t let him fool you.

It was an honor dominate this Monday morning with y’all!