Time to prep for IPC

Event Date

Jun 25, 2022

FNG-1 is Bronco

Toy Soldiers
Arm Circles

A repeat of IPC 2020 Week 3

Each squat only counts if you touch the ground with your hand. Each Merkin only counts if your chest touches the ground.

Run 400m
100 merkins
Run 400m
90 squats
Run 400m
80 merkins
Run 400m
70 squats
Run 400m
60 merkins
Run 400m
50 squats
Run 400m
40 merkins
Run 400m
30 squats
Run 400m
20 merkins
Run 400m
10 squats
Run 800m

Recover Recover


1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 13:11 ESV
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.


  • Okay that sucked, maybe even moreso than in 2020.
  • Nobody kept true to form for the entire workout, but everyone got better
  • All but 3 ended up full Chippendale by the end
  • Spork's squats continue to be higher than Snoop Dogg (Willie Nelson) That's Snoop Dogg to the Willie Nelson power, aka Really freaking high
  • Sonar lamented that he still has to move some furniture today
  • Mater complained stating that "You know we have Murph on Monday" To which YHC responded "it was either this, or a Fat Angie Sandwich"
  • Cornholio is fully recovered from the litteral bug that ended up in his upper sinuses last Saturday. I still think it may have laid eggs in his head.
  • Toto picked up his free bike
  • C# is BACK with multiple posts this week
  • Loved Bronco's short. "If the 4th F Football". Also he has been here like 3 years and never been to Denver fireworks
  • Coffee afterwards at Cabbellas and was joined by Twinkle from his F3 Triatholon, Retread who could only stay for a minute and turned into an hour, and Bertha still nursing the Tennis Golfers Elbow