Time Trials & Hills

15 Gloom Warriors (maybe more, but at least 14) stepped onto the track at The Estate to test their wheels on the 1mile time trial.  As you know the idea is to set a baseline at which to measure and track our progress as runners.  For this portion of the Q I handed the reigns to our Team Captain, Lex.

All PAX showed skilz and speed today.  

Ranging from 4:46/mi to 9:29/mi.

After the initial huffing and puffing, the PAX did a little Bearcrawl, Burpee, WalkCrab, Merkin work while Lex pushed through a 4:46 1 mile.

Afterwards, some PAX split off to man their various Qs around Isotope.  Some stayed behind for the real hill work.

YHC led us through off campus and through Carrington woods and around back to Bud Henderson.  At the base of the hill on Bud Henderson is the beginning of a Strava Segment.  We took it on.  The hill is a 203ft elevation gain and always puts up a fight.

Running short on time we finished out across the street at The Estate.

  • Turnpike, thanks for letting me Q.  Sorry about finishing late (it's Lex's fault).
  • Tantrum, you always push me.  Thanks, bro.
  • Wingman & Tweetsie, new dynamic duo?  You were fast!
  • 9Lives you are leading the pax after runing a standard and then stayed for the triple down?  Well done. (oh and you sharpened iron)
  • Slugger, good stuff after COT today.  Glad you're on the team.
  • Stray, I tried… I couldn't catch you.
  • Blackbeard, impressive… most impressive.
  • Frontier, smoked your old time!  Coming along nicely, brother.


Ephesians 6:10-19 WITH the PAX from TheEstate

Thanks to Turnpike for the honor of Qing, to Bogey, TBC, C-Note, & Contra for the EH.  TBC for telling me to put my boots on, and to all the countless brothers God had placed in my life through F3.