Tired yet?

Event Date

Jul 08, 2017


Late backblast sorry, massive internet outage this weekend..



10 IC Copperhead Squats

10 IC Low Country Crab Cakes

10 IC Windmills

Da' tang:

Mosey to the back, OMG our resident tire, Michelle just happened to be out and ready to go. 

Tire Flip-Bear Crawl to the front of AO:

First person flips Michelle 3 times and then runs to back of the line, rest of PAX Bear Crawls forward until its their turn to flip.

Mosey back to back playground for blocks

Parking Lot Fun:

1 Pax does Tire 720s (Plank walk twice around the circumfrence of the tire, performing a Merkin at each main clock position (12,9,6,3)  – Rotate through each PAX

Rest of PAX does OYO Rotation of:

10 Block Curls

10 Tony Hawks

10 Skull Crushers

Mosey to LBH:

10 Merkins on the bottom – Backwards Run up LBH – 10 Merks at the top (x4)

Partner-up:  2 PAX carries the tire the length of the parking lot and back (Rotate)

Rest of PAX repeats the Block Curls, TH and Skull Crushers

Mosey to LBH: Repeato 10 Merks-Backwards run-10 Merks at top (x4)

Back to Michelle:

One-arm tire drags 1/2 way up the parking lot and back (Rotate)

Rest of PAX repeats trio of exercises while they wait.

Repeat of LBH fun…..

Return Blocks



10 IC Windshield Wipers

10 IC Jay-Los

10 IC Glute-Bridge Pulse L

10 IC Glute-Bridge Pulse R

:45 Mason Twist


Elevation Worship's song – O Come to the Altar

I have heard this song all over the place the last few months but it took this Sunday when the words actually popped up on wall from the projector for me to concentrate on the important words "Bear YOUR cross while you wait for the crown".  Each of our crosses are different.  But so often we look to shed our cross.  To let others carry it.  To not use it to make ourselves stronger.  He puts crosses on us to make us bear them for a reason.  Life ain't easy.  If we look for easy outs, we only make ourselves weaker.  Mentally, physically and spiritually.  How are you bearing your cross?


*Ok yes, I gave credit to Vortex for attendance even though he wasn't "technically" there.  Dude torched 14 miles, gotta give some respect.

*Great seeing Gilette back out there and Puddle on a Saturday

*Lots of Michelle jokes at her expense.  Some more appropriate then others. 🙂

*Michelle is always there for our use.  She doesn't get tired. SWIDT

*We need some more Qs in rotation gentlemen.  The old guard needs some relief and you all are READY and Freed to Lead.  Let one of us know if you want to lead the warm up, or Mary, or a WHOLE workout!  This thing doesn't work if we all don't step-up and challenge our norms.  None of us are certified at this, and it shows.  Great to see how everyone's mind works differently when there is a variety of Qs in the rotation.

*As always, a pleasure to lead and be led by you gentlemen.