Tis The Season…Elf Humpers

We've done Monkey Humpers on Main St. (Thank you Pierogi) and a few weeks later we were doing Turkey Humpers on Main St., so it only seemed appropriate that with the Christmas Season upon us, we should do Elf Humpers! I decided to spare those who would be making the early morning commute down Main St. and save the Elf Humpers for a more discreet spot.

Sticking with the theme I mentioned in my pre-blasts, we had a holiday inspired workout, celebrating both Hanukah and Christmas.

The Thang:

Standard Warmup of SSH, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walker, Alternating Lunges, and a few stretches we heade off to DUMC to grab a paver and circle up.

All exercise were done IC with 8 reps each, no recover in between. Curls, Skull Crushers, Squats, Shoulder Press, Bent Over Rows, Bench Press, Squat Thrusters, and Curls. See what I did there…8 exercises with 8 reps each, that was our Hanukah celebration and we did it in the church parking lot!!

Next it was off to the parking lot behind Summit via Jackson St. This is where the real fun began…12 Days of Christmas:

Day 1 – Burpee (11)

Day 2 – Elf Humpers (It's a Monkey Humper, I just changed the name) (20)

Day 3 – Squats (27)

Day 4 – Alternating Lunges (32)

Day 5 – Merkins (35)

Day 6 – WWII Sit-ups (36)

Day 7 – Carolina Dry Dock (35)

Day 8 – LBC's (32)

Day 9 – Mountain Climbers (27)

Day 10 – Mason Twists (20)

Day 11 – Plank Jacks (11)

Time was running short so we skipped Day 12 and headed back to The Village Green. P'Diddy came up next to me and informed me we had to finish, he then repeated it, setting up a softball for the standard Davidson Mumblechatter line. However, I was pretty smoked and didn't pick up on it, so he spit it out himself…TWSS.

Back on The Green, I did honor his request and we did 12 Burpees. I called for Plank Jacks but exhaustion took over, so I quickly called an audible for the Ariborne Mindbender.

COT – Oyster asked that we lift up his mother as she starts chemo next week.


  • I think the pax was a little confused when I didn't start calling out burpees right away, a break from my regular Q routine
  • Devo took notice of my shirt this morning with the comment that "I would grow into it". Actually, I've gorwn out of it as it kept riding up thus showing off my poorly unsculpted abs. Regardless, I decided I'm bringing '70s sexy back with the "belly shirt". Wait until the next Q when I pull out my fish net shirt!
  • Thanks P'Diddy for making sure we got to Day 12, thus giving us 23 burpees on the day…way below my average.
  • Because I can't get through a workout without screwing up the cadence and/or count, we did an extra CDD. Thanks you Devo for pointing that out to the pax.
  • A few of the folks that decided to park in the lot were most likely scarred by the sight of 15 men grabbing their ankles and moving the butts up & down.
  • I continually find it humbling to lead such a fine group of men.

Final Disclaimer: No elves were harmed during the workout
