Titan 4 miler – with Bricks

Event Date

Dec 03, 2018


At Titan today we ran the "Titan 4 miler".  It was a nice day for a run, ~50 degrees.  It went down as follows:

0502:  Crab Legs, Turncoat, and YHC for a #RunStandard.  Honestly tried to make this an easy route but somehow we still got turned around a little.  *shrug*

0530:  Disclaimer given.  Instructions given:  We will run the "Titan 4 miler", at a 2nd F pace.

The #PB hinted of a "twist" though, and here it is:  Everyone started off with 2 bricks.

About 1 mile in, the Q called an audible and folks were allowed to put down one of the bricks.  We ran ~2.5 miles more, then picked up our 2nd bricks for the last ~0.5 miles back to the AO.

Recover, recover.  According to Strava we covered 6.7 miles in total across the Standard and main event.  Some covered slightly more, some slightly less.


  1. Thank you Turncoat for the bricks!  Also, Turncoat would've taken a Strava Segment on "Mortimer Hill" except YHC failed in telling him where the segment ended.  Dude was flying!  T-Claps to you and FreePass by the way for an awesome Christmas party on Saturday.  It was a good time.
  2. Frogger chose 400 meter fartleks it seemed as he was flying out there, then would recover and fall back to us.  Great work on those forearms, you are ready for the next obstacle race.
  3. Crab Legs definitely had both bricks the entire time.  *wink*  Nice job out there.
  4. Stray's mumblechatter on point:  "I can't avoid your Tweets forever Turnpike".  And:  "Turnpike, you are asking for directions from a man named Stray.  Disclaimer!".  Good to see you back out there.  Looking forward to training with you and helping you get back to 100% my dude.
  5. Thank you to Tantrum and Stray for directional support.  Yes, I've run the Titan 4/5 miler about 15 times and no, I still don't know it fully.  Let the record show Tantrum dropped off his bricks earlier than the Q suggested, which is a no-no.   
  6. El Chapo was not affected by the bricks at all.  Except he said this may put him on ice until Thursday.
  7. Strong performance by our friend Jedi today.  Fresh off his Saturday award:  "The Fenway award for Best Injury and Wreckless Disregard for Personal Safety".  Also, well done Sir with "Project 10 Fold" this year buddy.
  8. Thank you Jaws for the opportunity to "lead" these men.  You were missed out there today.  Any of these fine gentlemen would make great Qs at Titan if you are still in need for the rest of December.

