Titan 5 Miler

Event Date

Sep 26, 2022


Tuna people have taken over the MQ for Titan.  So that means 5-Milers on Monday.

6 pax posted on a hope and a prayer from Nantan that FNG's would be there.

Alas, we take off.

We ran the 5 mile loop. 

Decent pace.  Everyone ran faster than we all claimed we would run at the beginning.  Well not Gambini, he will never agree to a specific pace because he doesn't want to anchor himself to something slower than a PR every time he goes out.

COT happened

5 mile moleskin:

  • Good route.  Coming off a week where YHC endulged in the deadly sin of glutony at Disney, I was expecting a slow and belabored pace.  Strava however let me know that I beat my best time by 1 second.  BOOM.  
  • #PSA:  Beware the independant Amazon delivery driver out making deliveries before 0600.
  • Overhead in the gloom at 5:25 — Frogger to Stray:  I'm going to do the first mile at 10 minute pace or higher.  Overheard at 5:35 — Jorel to Stray running behind Frogger:  we're running 8:20.
  • Speaking of pace, has anyone really seen Vandalay's or Gambini's top end speed?  Every workout they end up running up front.  But they are never fully gassed.  So what can they really do?  Oh we'll find out during the Tuna Run Relay….though their paces may be altared by a maniacle sprinter van hot on their tail flashing lights, hollering obsenities encouragement, and (allegedly) shooting silly string and glitter bombs.
  • Tantrum played the role of the wiley old veteran today.  Conveniently stopping to walk but playing it off like he was getting the six.  Then stopping during the cul de sac portion and letting the pax run back to him.   Then he legged out the last 1/4 mile in a final sprint finish to win with a lean at the tape.  And most importantly he stopped his watch while walking so Strava shows him with the best pace overall.
  • So what I learned today:   Be a Tantrum.  It's you vs you.  We say it.  But do we really mean it?  Or do we just say it when we have an FNG or someone coming off IR and we don't want them to feel bad.  Tantrum went you vs you today.  Didn't have to announce it.  He didn't want to do 5 miles all in.  So he ran hard when he wanted to and stopped when he wanted to.  Didn't refusnik.  Just did his thing. Point is, he got his workout in.  And he didn't do stupid stuff he didn't want to just because of peer pressure ('cause yeah we pressured him a bit).  So be a Tantrum and win you vs you by being you.