Titan Loves Silent Cadence

BANDIT was also present, didn't see him registered on the Pax list…

22 (is that a record?!) could not resist the temptation to heckle the fresh meat VQ as I bumbled through my first Q.  The rite of passage is as follows:


  • Mosey around the Hopewell bus lot… mixed in some high knees and butt-kickers.
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 20 IC
  • Cotton Picker x 20 IC


  • Run to the top of Tidal Court
  • Lap around the park (last 100 ft. quadrophilia (did I spell that right?  Jog backwards.)
  • Finish with Jumpie (low deep squat with a jump finish) x 15 OYO
  • That was fun, let’s do it again! 


  • Run to bottom of O’Hara St., plank pause
  • Dash to the top of O’Hara
  • Burpee at top x 10 OYO
  • Back down
  • WW2 sit-ups at bottom x 10 OYO
  • That was fun, let’s do it again!


  • Split into two groups of 11, twin Indian Run lines back to Tidal, plank pause, jog it in from there. Back at the Hopewell bus lot… line up together…
  • Lunge Walk x 15 IC
  • Furthest lunger gets a prize!  Congrats to CALYPSO!  Or was it JENNY?  There was debate (read: heckling of the Q).  Your prize… call the first two sets for Mary…


  • Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns to Smithers
  • Low Flutter
  • Mason Twist
  • WW2 x 20


  1. Credit to 4 men for representing The Standard: TANTRUM, TURNPIKE, CALYPSO, T-BONE.  Heard they covered 2.5 miles.  Strong!
  2. Speaking of distance, main workout 2.9 miles.  Was shooting for 3+.  Q fail.  At least we got close.
  3. Lots of faces I haven’t seen in a few months, thanks for coming out this morning!  Quite the parade of cars coming in.
  4. I really didn’t need to look at the clock for a start time.  If PROFESSOR rolls in, you can be 100% confident you have exactly 60 seconds until launch.
  5. Bit of Q trivia… I call jump squats “jumpies” because that’s what most rowers know them as.  Through high school and most of college I was a rower, and jumpies are one of the classic exercises among river rats.  I remember them being easier though…
  6. Planning workout is hard!  Good lord, kudos to the master Q’s who come up with a unique plan every week!  I went a bit vanilla, trying to plan flexibility (easy to drop/add sets).  Next time I’ll get bolder.
  7. Apologies to anyone on the six, adrenalin really took over there for a bit.
  8. Lots of mumble chatter today.  You would think it was my VQ or something.  On a related note… counting is hard.  Don’t get me wrong, the workout is hard, but you grow accustom to that pain.  Keeping the focus and the lung capacity to call the count as a Q… that was an unexpected struggle.  Granted it was a large group to shout over, but I was really gasping the numbers out at the end of sets.  In case nobody noticed, someone totally made me lose count in the middle of IST’s.  When I called 15, it was a total guess.  I knew I was somewhere in the teens…


  • Always an honor to work out with you fine gentlemen.  Turnout seemed especially large today, did not go unnoticed by YHC – thank you all.
  • BRADY – welcome back!  Hope we see you again soon, and regularly.  You've been missed.
  • Who is next on the VQ list?
  • Special thanks to TANTRUM for the opportunity to Q this morning, definitely a great experience to see the other side of the workout.  Being upwind of you all was an added bonus.
  • Additional thanks to TURNPIKE and TANTRUM for the timekeeping and twitter assists.  Also to PROFESSOR for bailing me out on the recording of the attendance list.  More Q technology fails there.  In my defense, 22 was an unexpectedly long list to remember / write down.
  • One final round of thanks to TANTRUM and JINGLE BELLS for EHing me into F3… and TURNPIKE for the continual harassment (don’t ever give this guy your work email address).  No but seriously, F3 has been a rewarding addition to my life – thank you to everyone for the motivation.  Best wishes for a blessed week for you all.  Until next time we meet in the gloom…
  • First Q ?
