TMO Brick Tabata

Event Date

Aug 03, 2023

Ashamed to be posting this #bb a day late, but after having returned from vacation last week to a pile of work and other things, this whole week’s been a blur.  YHC even failed to do the daily Wordle yesterday and lost a 60-something streak.  Anyway…..

6 pax posted to #MightyOak yesterday (8/2) after YHC advertised cryptically that coupons would be distributed.  YHC woke up late and rolled in super hot, with only 30 sec or so to spare.

Popped open the Prius trunk to reveal a pile o’ bricks.  Instructed the pax to each grab 2 and follow YHC in a mosey with bricks around the parking lot to the usual warmup spot.


  • SSH x 25 IC (no bricks)
  • Imperial Brick Trooper x 10 IC
  • Brickmill x 10 IC
  • Slippery Brick x 10 IC
  • Slow Brick Squat x 10 IC (didn’t have any better name for this one)


Mosey to back of school where YHC informed the pax that we would be doing a sort of brick tabata – multiple rounds of the following: 4 exercises with bricks, 30 sec each AMRAP, then repeato all 4 exercises and then a group lap.

Round 1

YHC queued up the tabata timer app on my phone (which I’d not used in a while, but I set up and tested the night before) and pushed play.  Uh-oh.  Apparently this app is no longer free and now requires subscription.  YHC had apparently used up the couple free “trial” uses the previous evening.

Scrambled to pull up the ordinary phone stopwatch function and commenced timing our exercises with that:

  • Brick Mericans
  • Brick Squat Thrusters
  • Brick Skullcrushers
  • Brick WWII Situps

Sent the pax off on a lap (which was done, for this round only, around the school to give YHC a little more time to try to get the timer app going).  Unfortunately could not get it going before pax returned, so went back to the stopwatch.

Round 2

  • Brick Dry Docks
  • Brick Alt Side Lunges w/ Curl
  • Brick Overhead Claps
  • Brick Mason Twists

Ran a lap with the pax this time, carrying my phone and again trying to get the app going.  No luck.  Dingo, however, sets up a timer on his own phone and we switch over to that one.

Round 3

  • Brick Man Maker Mericans
  • Brick Front Lunges w/ Curl
  • Brick Bent Over Tricep Extension
  • Brick Press w/ Low Flutter

Ran lap.

Round 4

Mosey to picnic tables.

  • Brick Incline Mericans
  • Brick Step Ups w/ Curl
  • Brick Lateral Raises
  • Dying Brickroach

Ran lap.

Round 5

Mosey to wall.

  • People’s Chair w/ Brick Press
  • Hop Over Bricks
  • People’s Chair w/ Brick Curl
  • Brick LBC

Mosey back to cars and return bricks.  That’s all we had time for.  Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to the pax for bearing with YHC through the hiccups with the app, and to Dingo in particular for pulling up his app (which was much better than using the stopwatch).  This group always picks you up when you need it.
  • Many thanks to Estwing for allowing YHC to lead this morning, especially with my having just come off vacation and being a little rusty / sluggish.  I needed the accountability of having signed up to lead in order to force myself back into things.  Cobains on the day-late #bb.
  • Where were the Goatbusters?
  • Dingo brought Gracie, and she was all up in YHC’s business on the bent over tricep extensions.  Got a big fat kiss and then some.
  • Solid coffeeteria afterwards with Roadie and Dingo as well as some of the Hollywood crew.
  • YHC has signed up to Q here again at end of the month, which will give me 3 Qs and 12 or so posts for the year.  Should only need one more Q this year to meet the Estwing TMO patch challenge.  Woot!
  • Thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  I’m forever grateful.
