To Do-a-Little, or to Do-a-Lot, that is the question?

#thestandard included Crack, Nymph, and Honeymoon, knocking off 4 miles at a heart thumping pace.  (Crack and Honey stayed to play, Nymph bolted to commence the cutting)
18 hardy men posted in the gloom for their prescribed beat down by Dr. DoLittle
The Thang:
Quick mosey to the corner parking lot
COP: 20 SSH, 20 IST, 20 Windmills, plus a hamstring stretch.
Mosey to the race team cul-de-sac for “Legs, Core, Chest”:
10 slow “hold for double count” squats with prolonged duration
20 LBCs
20 Merkins
10×2 ManyJane lunges
10 WWII sit ups
20 Carolina Dry Docks
Mosey to the BrickYard
Circle up with a large brick.
1. "Do Nothing"
Leave the brick, and run around TracScan
2. “Do-a-Little”
20 alternate leg lunges with the brick
Run around TracScan
3 “Do-a-bit-More”
#2, plus add a curl in a four count
Run around TracScan
4 “Do-a-Lot
#3, plus add an overhead press in a six count
Run around TracScan
5 “Do-the-whole-Shabbang”
#4, plus add a scull crusher in an eight count
Run around TracScan
10×2 Apollo Ono lunges (not to be confused with Yoko)
each combined PAX tap of the back foot resulted in a penalty of four Burpies
In case the legs were not burning enough yet:
Preacher’s Chair
With 20 brick curls
With 20 brick presses
Mosey to the front for Mary:
“The Atrial Flutter” – Similar to a low flutter, “but with an increasing cadence to the point of a malignant arrhythmia.” Not sure how this went over, as the Q was suffering from anoxic ischemia by then. 45 reps per Honeymoon … who knows???
Mason Twist – 20 reps
Pillow Talk – 10 reps each side
Arial mindbender was appreciated by all:)
Announcements: Invitations to the accustomed AOs was discussed, as per the schedule on Slack (cuddos to Hummer).
COT: The prayer acknowledged F1: the appreciation particularly for the “quintagenarians” (over 50) to have the strength and stamina to keep up and even lead the PAX
F2:  An appreciation of the time spent with like minded gentlemen, because iron does indeed sharpen iron, and we are all better men because of this affiliation. And,
F3:  Appreciation of the opportunity to count our blessings, and for the “ecumenical” mission of F3nation, meaning that all men are welcome, despite wide denominations and even faiths, and that each is accepted based on “what we have in common, rather than our differences.”
I trust that each man that posted was invigorated and empowered to have a positive impact on everybody they encounter throughout the rest of the day!
Dr. DoLittle