To the end of the parking lot and back

Glad to finally take part in Qing at PAINinsula. I had to back out of my previous commitment after an ocular landscaping injury so it felt good to get out here. The AO is well lit and I’m told there is more to see than the two ends of the parking lot I ventured the group over to today.

What did we do?

Disclaimer provided and accepted
Mosey about 500′


  1. SSH x25
  2. Windmill x8
  3. Tie Fighters (deep lunge left side with forward arm circles, then right side with backward arm circles)
  4. Slow Squat x10
  5. Slow `merkins x10

The Thang

Get yer partner

  1. Partner Situps
  2. Pattycake `merkins
  3. Partner Leg Throwdowns
  4. Partner 1 does 50 squat jumps while partner 2 planks, swap

Mosey 50′

  1. Gorillas x10 (hold a plank 3 seconds, then pop up to your feet, but standing monkey-humping like with your hands up about head high, hold that 3 seconds – that’s one rep)
  2. Blastoff `merkins x10
  3. Apolo Ohnos x 10
  4. Dips x10
  5. Flamingo Merkins x10

Howling Monkeys (ring of fire/timebomb type exercise where the PAX get in a circle and we monkey hump until we can’t)
Mosey to where it all began


  • Pickle Pounder x20 (Roadie)
  • Something (Outlaw)
  • Something else (Grenade)
  • Low Flutter (Cousin Eddie)
  • Touch em Heels (Lone Star)

Age Stats for Nerds

  • Mean: 44.3 (average of the recorded ages)
  • Median: 46 (age in the middle of those recorded)
  • Mode: 46 (age that occurred the most)
  • Max: 51 (highest age)
  • Min: 35 (lowest age)
  • Standard Deviation: 5.81282 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)


