To the Table, to the Wall, to the Sweat….

To the table, to the wall, 8 men picked things up and put them down.



Side Straddle Hops = 14-IC

Windmills = 10-IC

Ray Finkle (left leg) = 10-IC

Ray Finkle (right leg) – 10-IC

Copperhead Squats = 10-IC

Small Arm Circles (forward) = 10 seconds

Big Arm Circles (forward) = 10 seconds

Small Arm Circles (reverse) = 10 seconds

Big Arm Circles (reverse) = 10 seconds

Hug Yourself = 10 seconds


The Thang:

Farmers carry KB’s to gym entrance. Split into 2 groups of 4. Each group posts up at a section of picnic table.

Decline Merkins = 10-OYO

Left Leg Step-Ups = 5-OYO

Left Arm Lawnmower Pulls = 10-OYO

Right Leg Step-Ups = 5-OYO

Right Arm Lawnmower Pulls = 10-OYO

Left Leg Step-Ups = 5-OYO

Left Arm Watch Breakers = 10-OYO

Right Leg Step-Ups = 5-OYO

Right Arm Watch Breakers = 10-OYO

Left Leg Step-Ups = 5-OYO

Upright Rows = 10-OYO

Right Leg Step-Ups = 5-OYO

Skull Crushers = 10-OYO

Left Arm Plank Rows = 10-OYO

Right Arm Plank Rows = 10-OYO


Wall sit @ gym entrance while doing 21’s Curls for the Girls

WWI’s with KB = 10-OYO


Repeat above at table but 10 leg step ups and 15 KB reps

Lunge walk to 1’s row of parking

Zamperini back to wall for 21’s Curls for the Girls while wall sitting

Repeat all above and add 5 burpees at parking lot



American Hammers (with KB) = 10-IC

LBC’s (with KB) = 10-IC



2nd Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit NOT of fear, but of power and love and self-control.”

Help our children to overcome fear by this verse as we were created to be strong and loving.


Mumble Chatter:

Trapper Keeper gets his pump on before heading to school. Respect! Too bad your father made you 4 minutes late to the workout!


Scope shows up with a bum knee and slightly modifies the workout to accommodate his Nancy Kerrigan knee.


Welcome back School Bus from his long F3 vacation. Pleasure to meet you and chat charter school construction for a minute. We hope you’re able to post more often.


Good luck to Mater tonight racing at Carolina Raceway in Gastonia. Hopefully his pit crew is better at counting laps than Mater is at counting his OYO reps.


Rebound once again borrows his M’s dumbbell and crushes the KB workout.


After a very late arrival, Hefty kept a close watch on the nearby Weinke in an effort to pull off another heist. However, the Weinke remained in the rightful position of its creator throughout the workout.


Crawdad provided a 38 minute long dissertation on the politics surrounding proposed plans related to construction of the West Lake Preparatory Academy. In summary, most support the new school, but do not want it located in their neighborhood due to increased traffic. Additionally, only about 30% of student enrollment would be Denver residents. Remaining students would be from surrounding areas, including Gastonia. Finally, do not say West Lake around Mater as he instantly associates it with the delicious concoction of pig livers, lips and hoofs known as livermush which is served hot and crispy by our beloved West Lake Family Restaurant.


Please to lead. Enjoy your weekend!